Westy Height

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bay dreamer

Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Guys, Can anyone point me in the right direction for some info on the dimensions of an early westfalia pop top ? In particular i need to know the exact height with the roof closed.I'm submitting a planning application tomorrow for a garage which hopfully in the not to distant future will house a nice old camper.Do you garage your westy and does if fit through the door ok ? Any help appreciated Thanks
Hi there.
With stock suspention and the spare tyre on the rear cargo deck, I had to swap my up and over door for a roller shutter door. Have about 2" clearance.
Hope this helps :D :D
are you riding stock height suspension

I don't own a van at the moment but i need to know i can fit one in the new garage in the future.I intend to put a roller door rather than an up and over door.

Thanks for the input guys
Mines a 68 pop top. It's 200cm floor to highest part of roof, standard wheels and tyres, But it's been lowered a spline at the back and a bit more at the front.

If it helps, the garage aperture is 210cm - It fitted in this when at standard height with an up and over door. The seal / trim did catch on the garage lock mechanism, but it was a graze rather than a smack, so I learnt to live with it.

Hope this helps - though I'm not sure I'd be basing my plans on it f it was me!