Hi all,
Having difficulties (putting it mildly) with indicator wiring. Basically, hazards work, indicators don't.
No 12v signal going to little indicator arrow lights on dash. Can anyone tell me if little green arrows should flash when hazards are on on a 1970 US bay? - This will help with my detective work.
As hazards work (flash at correct rate) would that suggest flasher relay is ok? My suspicion is that indicator switch is at fault but not sure how to test it. Are they available new? The wiring doesn't look messed around with much, all fuses are good and earths are good.
Having difficulties (putting it mildly) with indicator wiring. Basically, hazards work, indicators don't.
No 12v signal going to little indicator arrow lights on dash. Can anyone tell me if little green arrows should flash when hazards are on on a 1970 US bay? - This will help with my detective work.
As hazards work (flash at correct rate) would that suggest flasher relay is ok? My suspicion is that indicator switch is at fault but not sure how to test it. Are they available new? The wiring doesn't look messed around with much, all fuses are good and earths are good.