My wife loves it out in the van, our kids have all grown up holidaying in it, I can't see a day where it won't be in the garage, I bought a T4 Westy last month for some longer distance/cold weather camping, we're in for the long haul :cool:
Top Work, I bought a BBT engine lid (just checked the box...... back in 2018), probably should make an effort to fit it but its never been out the box :LOL:
Top work Oz, I would be inclined to put a mechanical stop to hold the fridge in situ whilst in touring mode, just a lever or similar to hold it in place
Nice installation Oz, I'm sure you have tested all the circuits as you installed them and your just teasing us with the anticipation of it going boom 😜
Welcome Just, pictures of your van please............
I've been on a low-loader twice in 17yrs. One was my fault cuz I fitted a suspension component incorrectly :eek: the other time was a failed coil...