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  1. jkp

    Insulation for blanked pre-heat pipe inlets?

    Just to close out on the original topic: I ordered some new tinware in the end as it was cheap-as-chips (lets hope there is no catch when it arrives!)'ll tidy up a bunch of other holes that have been blanked and I just think it'll give me piece-of-mind that I've done everything I can when...
  2. jkp

    Insulation for blanked pre-heat pipe inlets?

    Its a dipstick sensor....would love to be told that its nothing to worry about! My recent work fitting dual carbs in combination with changing the curve on the 123 to be a little more conservative seems to have done something though - I did a decent run back today from a night away - sitting...
  3. jkp

    Insulation for blanked pre-heat pipe inlets?

    Oil temp sensor consistently reads hot. Sometimes getting up to 130 on very hot days. I’ve tested it’s calibrated correctly in boiling water and unfortunately it is :( I’ve heard tell that reading the temp at the heads is a better approach but this is what I have for now. Interestingly though -...
  4. jkp

    Sold Weber Twin 40 IDF Carburettor Kit, Twin Port, 40mm Velocity stacks £850

    Scoobyboy1: what was that you lined your engine bay roof with? Looks like a handy solution to make fixing other stuff in neat and tidy...
  5. jkp

    Insulation for blanked pre-heat pipe inlets?

    Hi there Having just fitted a pair of twin carbs to my bay I'm down to finishing touches. My van runs has a history of running pretty hot so whilst this might be nitpicking / worrying unduly now that the pre-heat inlets are blanked I'm looking at the tinware that used to clamp around the risers...
  6. jkp

    Manifold torquing?!

  7. jkp

    Manifold torquing?!

    Awesome. Thanks for all the shared experience! I’ll get some better nuts ordered and change em over when they arrive.
  8. jkp

    Manifold torquing?!

    Hey all I was sent a pair of offset manifolds as part of the 34 ICT bundle I bought and I gotta ask since I feel like I’m being stupid: how in the hell does one go about torquing these babies up?! On the side of the manifold which leans towards the nut there’s almost no room to turn anything...
  9. jkp

    Fuel pump pedestal cracked?

    That’s good to hear! I was pretty surprised to find that there could even be a part that could easily become brittle and break in such a crucial location tbh. Should I bother with a replacement? It’s just got that little chip off the bottom but otherwise looked good.
  10. jkp

    Fuel pump pedestal cracked?

    Hi all Today in the process of fitting twin carbs I removed the fuel pump to get easier access to mount the throttle linkage. When I looked at the pump pedestal I didn’t like what I saw Now my question is: if a piece of that is floating around in my crank case how worried should I be? Getting...
  11. jkp

    Parts For Sale 68 wiper arm and s/s blade

    Did you only have one of these?
  12. jkp

    Back up for sale: Firetec automatic extinguisher

    I’ll take it - PM me :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. jkp

    Front Bumper and Westy Water tank

    Where is the water tank supposed to live? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. jkp

    Marks inside rocker cover

    Opinion wanted. I did the valves this morning for the second time I ring the run in period of a new 1786 engine. A few were a bit loose this time but I also noticed marks on the rocker case as of the rocker arm for one cylinder has been hitting it. It’s also a little noisy on that side I...
  15. jkp

    Wanted: Pre-heat pipe to tinware clamps

    They seem to be out of stock at all the big names. Does anyone have any they would sell? (Maybe you upgraded to twin carbs and don’t need them any more...?) Cheers! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk