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    • la_bigmac
      la_bigmac replied to the thread Engine.
      Second what @K@rlos said. I went for a 1776, which runs well (With constant supervision) but wish I had gone bigger, at the time I had...
    • la_bigmac
      la_bigmac reacted to K@rlos's post in the thread Engine with Like Like.
      Go as big as you can afford. I run a 2276cc in my bus and I’d never go back to stock. 1 day I’ll build a 2724cc when funds allow.
    • la_bigmac
      la_bigmac reacted to easy's post in the thread Bluetooth Battery Monitor with Like Like.
      Ive gone for this! fitting this weekend. Will report back :) https://www.victronenergy.com/meters-and-sensors/smart-battery-sense
    • la_bigmac
      la_bigmac replied to the thread Bluetooth Battery Monitor.
      Very fancy. Are you charging from Solar as well as the alternator?
    • la_bigmac
      la_bigmac replied to the thread Bluetooth Battery Monitor.
      Hope this works. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07L42W4Q9/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 If not search Amazon for...
    • la_bigmac
      la_bigmac replied to the thread Bluetooth Battery Monitor.
      I wired a USB charger that also displays the voltage. Added a three way switch (bat1, off, bat2) so I can see the voltage. Good to see...
    • la_bigmac
      la_bigmac replied to the thread 123 distributor.
      I have played with my 123 a fair bit. Trying the curves of different distributors to see what works was educational! Knowing what I...
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