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  1. static

    Replacement Westfalia Cabinet Handles made of METAL!

    Wedtfalia Handle Man’s Instagram profile
  2. static

    Replacement Westfalia Cabinet Handles made of METAL!

    Westfalia Handle Man’s grey push button Westfalia cabinet door handles
  3. static

    Replacement Westfalia Cabinet Handles made of METAL!

    I have had quite enough of futzing around with the plastic pushbutton cabinet handle on my ‘71. I’ve replaced it twice through the decades of ownership. Recently, in a fit of pique over the futility of tightening screws into stripped plastic threads, I have instead opted to spend a small fortune...
  4. static

    This looks interesting.

    Everyone’s needs are different, your mileage may vary, etc., but I have to say that, other in the UK, I have never read about or seen any power steering in use on early Bays. My (unsolicited) advice to those considering aftermarket power steering units: just inflate your front tyres to 40 PSI...
  5. static

    Year Planner

    Once the daffodils are in bloom, there are never fewer than four interesting events that are available for us to attend each weekend. Few of us are in our twenties anymore (with the possible exception of Ozziedog) and we can only hope to attend (maybe) one event without ibuprofen. By the...
  6. static

    Lap belts

    All of our buses are over 50 years old now, do you really trust 50-year-old Nylon webbing?
  7. static

    Tyres and stance thread revival?

    Inflo mis neumáticos delanteros a 40 libras PSI (por pulgada cuadrada) y 45 PSI en los neumáticos traseros de mi Campmobile.
  8. static

    Does your oil runneth over?

    Received mine today! Taking my bus to the local Aircooled Guru on Friday anyway, so I will have him bless it.
  9. static

    Does your oil runneth over?

    About Time oil filler extension tube reproduction!
  10. static

    Best upgrades

    Sand. Grit. Dust. Pebbles. Detritus. The solution? A very good whiskbroom. A high-quality whiskbroom made with natural corn-broom whiskers, not one made with stoopid nylon bristles bought from the £.99 store.
  11. static

    Best upgrades

    Next year: fly LHR-LAS. Rent a car. Drive over and be here. You can steal our beer and drink our women!
  12. static

    Buses by the Bridge, 2025. - Lake Havasu, Arizona

    Warm and sunny during the day. Lots of buses. Nice people. Tequila. Legal cannabis.
  13. static

    Best upgrades

    I’m camping at a show right now amongst 600 other VW buses. Much merriment, tequila and subwoofers. Right now, my “most important upgrade” is a pair of good earplugs.
  14. static

    Old chain Mail

    Could be useful when visiting my Mother Inlaw…
  15. static

    Beetle engine build

    “sad old fart syndrome” “Also known as ‘SOFS’, this chronic condition afflicts much of the membership ranks” - BBC Documentary, “The Heartbreak of SOFS”