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  1. C

    Chugsy's 69' Deluxe

    Leon you can say it till the cows come home and i wouldn't tire of hearing it ;) Yeah i love the 'personalized' plate, it may of had something to do with my purchase of the bus lol
  2. C

    Chugsy's 69' Deluxe

    Haha. I'm plannin on Getting mine done by Saturday. £20 an hour an I'll do yours for you :lol: so it'll probably work out at about a grand!!
  3. C

    Chugsy's 69' Deluxe

    Decided last night i was going to try and get a bit more shine out of the deluxe waist line trim. I know people will probably say the trim goes with the look of the bus but its my bus and i fancied a shiny contrast :mrgreen: Before After (a lot of various grades of wet and dry and constant...
  4. C

    Chugsy's 69' Deluxe

    After a few months searching and stressing i ended up purchasing, no only my first bus, but my first aircooled motor :) :party0053: As it says in the subject she is a 69' deluxe tin top, bulk head model, originally a microbus from sunny Cali. I picked her up on sunday so as of yet not much...
  5. C

    Sound proofing

    I love this forum. Post something up an almost immediately you get genuinly informative replies :) Thanks guys for all the info. Dont worry Leon ill be getting a thread up on my bus as soon as i get more than a couple spare minutes. My bus is just so 8) that instead of being on here like i...
  6. C

    Sound proofing

    Finally purchased a bus. A 69' deluxe micro bus. Stripped it out and very pleased with how solid she is. Now lookin at sound proofing ideas ie materials used, costing and where to acquire them. I really don't wanna go over board with the cost as it's not too loud as it is now but ideas and tried...
  7. C

    Your Early Bay Picture of the Day .....

    Very 8)
  8. C

    Tin top WANTED

    :shock: get a thread up dude! I have to see what has evaded me! Lol
  9. C

    Engine ideas

    It is a bit mad what people try an get away with. The unfortunate thing is there's someone that's gonna eventually purchase it and not realise :( Well I've seen a couple more so there's Still some hope of maybe enjoying part of the summer yet ;)
  10. C

    Engine ideas

    It wasn't even the same bus as advertised lol! Second it Looked to me like a quick blow over to make it look tidy. Rust bubbles already comin through and it hadn't even moved from out of the unit it was stored in since paint. Lots of paint runs too. I admit I am rather picky ;) but I think you...
  11. C

    Engine ideas

    Don't you hate it when someone describes something as mint when it's not! :x Looks like my search for a bus is still on :roll:
  12. C

    Engine ideas

    Big thanks guys for all the replies. I think going down the route of just puttin in a cheap runner for now will do and like most of you suggest then just scouting around because I'm in no rush. Viewing the bus in person tonight so I'll keep y'all updated on whether or not I go for it :D Chugsy
  13. C

    Engine ideas

    Thanks kev. It's not 100% I'm havin the bus yet though. There quite a distance away from me down in Portsmouth. Any where closer to the midlands that offer something similar?
  14. C

    Engine ideas

    Hi folks, I'm looking for ideas on what type/size engine to get. Possibly gettin hold of a 69 rhd tin top but no motor. I'm lookin for info and costs to get it runnin a sub 18 quarter. But also lookin for reliability :D can budget around 2k for this. Is this doable on this budget?? Chugsy
  15. C

    WANTED: 71' or older tin top deluxe

    Still looking for a 71' or older tin top deluxe. Needs to be solid and straight. Lhd or rhd. Pm me. :)
  16. C

    Vanjamboree pics.

    I think i took the prize for the best lobster! I even had to call work and say i couldnt go in because of the burns :oops: Had a nosey round urs Jon (bus that is). Mega stuff 8)
  17. C

    Wanted - Tin Top

    Hiya Camperduck. Im not very keen on westys tbh. Thanks though anyway. Jon
  18. C

    Anyone know this this SA bus???

    Unfortunaltely the bus is sold now so im back to looking for another one :cry:
  19. C

    Anyone know this this SA bus???

    Wicked. Thanks Stu. I did ring them in the end and managed to get through but the person i needed to speak to wasnt there! :roll: so left another message and waiting to hear back again. So fingers crossed