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  1. Dickie524

    For Sale - retro bike, Men's 3-speed [SOLD]

    Hi all I have a properly retro bike for sale, offered to anyone on here for £50. Gents Raleigh Transit , 3speed, genuine 1970s original. I"m in Derby for collection. Photos to follow!!
  2. Dickie524

    Life choices?

    Its very easy to spread yourself too thin, which I freely admit to. (Full time job, ongoing house restoration and DIY, two kids, one with some serious medical conditions, the other who is just plain difficult, a couple of rental properties, the VW, two other classic cars, two elderly (20 yr old)...
  3. Dickie524

    Child's cab bunk

    I can text you a few pics of the original setup if you like - PM me your mobile no. Mine has the original brackets etc (though the bunk roll itself has gone missing unfortunately)
  4. Dickie524

    Original T2 Oval Dash Speaker?

    That's great, thanks all, interesting that there was an 'original' version (though I'm not THAT particular to only fit an OEM speaker!) Cheers, Rich
  5. Dickie524

    Original T2 Oval Dash Speaker?

    Hi all, I am wondering if anybody knows what size of speaker was originally designed to fit behind the dash speaker grille on the early bay please? And does anyone know if there is anything similar still available? I am happy to go down the second hand or vintage audio routes. I am fitting...
  6. Dickie524

    Midlands Aircooled collective. Notts/derby/leic/lincs

    I know this is a very old thread but is this collective still going at all please, does anyone know?
  7. Dickie524

    WTD - stock gear shift

    Hi Ron, well if the RahD ones are rare then so be it, - yes please! I'll sort details etc by private mail. Thanks all, Rich
  8. Dickie524

    WTD - stock gear shift

    Nothing Ron ! - in fact I replied to this chap before I replied to you! It was only afterwards that I had the sudden thought that the sticks were probably different and I spotted from Cornish's signature bar that his van was LHD - hence my question to you. Now I know that they are different...
  9. Dickie524

    WTD - stock gear shift

    That's brilliant everyone - thanks very much! Looking on Ebay sold items they go for anywhere between £8 and £35 including delivery - so I'm happy to go mid-table - say £22 including the postage - would that suit you? However - are LHD and RHD gear shifts the same (ie are they just reversed?)...
  10. Dickie524

    WTD - stock gear shift

    Hi all, haven't been on for a while. I'm looking for a standard stock VW gear shift for my bus as I am tired of mucking about with the EMPI one. It's a standard 1968 RHD. I can't afford one of the Gene Berg ones or similar at the moment. Has anyone got a spare old one that they have replaced...
  11. Dickie524

    Heater Cable removal - any thoughts please?

    My van has the belly pans on underneath, full length, so was terrified when I tried this last weekend as a snap or failure would mean massive works. Make sure you remove the plastic/ nylon 'ends' at the rear of the van, I hadn't realised they trap a ferrule at the end of the cable. I squirted...
  12. Dickie524

    1968 RHD Rot Box

    Great effort chap, you certainly aren't wasting any time with this! Falklands? Always been on my list of obscure places I'm almost certainly never going to get to, but would be fascinated to see...
  13. Dickie524

    WTD - (Hazard) Switch bezel/ surround

    Crap - just realised there are two sizes! Does anyone know off the top what size the hazard one is please? No worries if not, I can measure when I get home but if someone happened to know off the top I could order one today. Thanks all, Rich
  14. Dickie524

    WTD - (Hazard) Switch bezel/ surround

    Hi all - I recently bought a hazard light switch (off here) but now I have cme to think about fitting it, I notice it is missing the bezel/ ring thing you use to screw it through the dashboard. Does anyone know if these are available separately from anywhere please, or have a few spares going...
  15. Dickie524

    Bumper bolts

    Here:" onclick=";return false; :D
  16. Dickie524

    School me on dormobiles...

    This might not help, but it's the same cross-section as the table-rail, if you can get one, and cut it down. They are similarly tricky to get hold of though!
  17. Dickie524

    Dormobile Interior Furniture parts for sale

    Hey McGinty - is this lot still available please? I may be able to go halves with a colleague! Rich
  18. Dickie524

    WANTED>> Original Dormobile vinyl bunk bed over covers

    Only from when I first bought the van - they're properly knackered though! I can email it you, can't access any photo hosting websites at work.
  19. Dickie524

    WANTED>> Original Dormobile vinyl bunk bed over covers

    I have some ancient, knackered ones Wally - full of tears, and I nabbed the turn clips out of them for the new ones I made...