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  1. vwcanuck

    71 bay lowering

    ... and you get almost 3" drop on stock 14" rims all around like this ...
  2. vwcanuck

    Panel Van Porn

  3. vwcanuck

    Your Early Bay Picture of the Day .....

    It's super easy with the dreamscope app which has many different filters that can be applied." onclick=";return false;
  4. vwcanuck

    Possible windscreen leak

    Oh no! I also added a sealer between the rubber and the body ... but only along the top and A pillars. I have had no problems since repairing the rotten metal and reinstalling the original windscreen with new German rubber. If water ever does get in from the top you might want to leave some...
  5. vwcanuck

    Oil Bath Air Filter

    The air cleaner in the first picture would have been the original in your bus. I don't have a clearer picture of mine, but in this one you can kind of see the bracket. There are some clear pictures of the filter and stand in this thread...
  6. vwcanuck

    Reg Plate Placement?

    Even though your plates are different here in Canada, I prefer just above the front bumper. The province from where I bought my bus only has plates on the rear of their vehicles, so I had to figure something out since there were no holes in either the bumper or the body ... and magnets or...
  7. vwcanuck

    Ya See Um come and ya se um go!

    I bought my first bus almost 20 years ago but only had it for one year. After rebuilding and cruising our '68 panel van with my son ... I think this bus will be in the family a long, long time :D
  8. vwcanuck

    1971 Doublecab

    That's about as rare as my '68 panel van as I haven't seen another one yet ... in eastern Canada. So yeah pretty rare indeed! Have fun with the rescue :D
  9. vwcanuck

    Your Early Bay Picture of the Day .....

    48 Years young today and still having fun :D (picture from this past summer)
  10. vwcanuck

    Timing Mark ...

    An easy way to check TDC for any pulley is to remove the right valve cover and keep turning until #1 cylinder's valves don't move when you turn the pulley (as when you adjust the valves). Now that you have TDC-ish located, take out #1 cylinder's spark plug and put the unsharpened end of a long...
  11. vwcanuck

    Fumes from front vents

    I had the same problem last week with exhaust fumes in the cab of my panel van more often than not. The problem was one of my fresh air tubes had come off the pipe from the heater box. Make sure they are seated well in the tinware with rubber grommets. Some people use hose clamps here too which...
  12. vwcanuck

    Mounting a spot light / fog light on my bumper - bracket

    This might help ... I didn't want to drill holes in my bumper for my licence plate so I made these brackets from some flat stock steel and a couple of nuts & bolts. The bend in the brackets slides onto the top of the bumper from behind and tightening the bolt pinches the bumper between the bolt...
  13. vwcanuck

    Drink holders, show us yours

    That's cool 69billy :) I've been thinking of fabricating a double cup holder from metal and this is good inspiration!
  14. vwcanuck

    Making washer bottle airtight

    Before you go dismantling or buying a new switch, try pulling off the washer hoses at the switch and trimming one centimeter or so. Sometimes it's just the end of the hose that dries, cracks and leaks.
  15. vwcanuck

    Which clutch?

    Here's a link to an edited version of the Bug Me Video which is by far the best description of all possible clutch and throw-out bearing combinations for type 1 engines of all sizes. Unfortunately the video is just a teaser and most of the explanation of different clutches was left out, but...
  16. vwcanuck

    Not an early bay ... but worth a look!

    Like it or not? Mr Ron Berry with his VW bus creation. Here's a video of it running ..." onclick=";return false; I love it :D
  17. vwcanuck

    August 67 Crewcab

    Now that's a great picture ... nothing better than a nap after a family outing :D
  18. vwcanuck

    us spec acorn wheel nuts help

    Those are called spline drive lug nuts which are not very common in America either. There are a few videos on Youtube showing how they could be removed. I'd be very cautious in trying some of their ideas :shock:"...
  19. vwcanuck

    early early bay" onclick=";return false;