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  1. slammedkustom

    mg metro seats, ideal for a bus

    like it said a pair of seats, very comfy and slightly bolstered. ideal for a bus came out of an MG metro, been sitting in our MK1 for the last 8 years! £30 the pair
  2. slammedkustom

    Potential trip after European Bugin (Bug-in)

    a few years back we did a "tour" of europe going through france, belgium, germany, swizland etc ended up on the cote d'zor. fantastic weather, beautiful scenery, crazy drivers all in 2 and a half weeks. problem was we did so much driving we saw much of the trip from the cab of the bus, if i do a...
  3. slammedkustom

    crazy tenner i just got!

    went to the bank and got this beastie out of the cash machine! someone has given the queen a tache and written "you may know me as dave grohl out of the foo fighters" WTF? :shock:
  4. slammedkustom

    My 1969 Devon - the inspiration!

    real nice work, personally id have painted the firewall dull grey or matched to the engine bay. would make it look a lot cleaner, but thats just my view keep up the good work fella ;)
  5. slammedkustom

    EarlyBay'ers spotted in Magazines

    cheers clem, ego text me last night and told me it was out 8) i still havent seen a copy! arrrrrrrgggghhhh!
  6. slammedkustom

    made the missus a new headliner

    go for it dude, bus ones arent too bad. helps if you have an overhead locker at the rear cos thats the hardest bit and it hide it. use good contact adesive, take your time and plenty of measuring ;)
  7. slammedkustom

    made the missus a new headliner

    seats are a bit more complicated and u need an industrial sewing machine...i can point you towards a guy who can tho, did my bus interior n its proper nice :D
  8. slammedkustom

    made the missus a new headliner

    cheers guys 8) was a challenge with the rag top but its come out pretty nice :D
  9. slammedkustom

    made the missus a new headliner

    this is the car its in....the minkywagon!
  10. slammedkustom

    made the missus a new headliner

    the missus bug was in dire need of a new headliner, couldnt decide on a colour so bought a couple of yards of material and got the sewing machine out. looks pretty good for my first bug headliner built from scratch ;)
  11. slammedkustom

    another side project done!

    like you guys i tend to have projects on the go and projects waiting to be done. at the NSRA swapmeet this year i picked up a petrol pump thats still waiting to be done but i had some spare steel knocking about and the pump had a spare door that wasnt needed so i knocked up this add a bit of...
  12. slammedkustom

    bluebird cab bunk for sale

    yes but you know that as we spoke :shock: :lol: i can always post it!
  13. slammedkustom

    bluebird cab bunk for sale

    got a bluebird cab bunk, all fittings, bars and canvas. second hand but looks new the bars slide into each other so store easily £40 plus postage or collect it C
  14. slammedkustom

    vw helicopter rescue!

    helicopter?! :shock: :lol: :roll: maybe it was the ultimate practical joke, "hey guys lets fly hans bus up into the mountains!"
  15. slammedkustom

    vw helicopter rescue!

    i know its a barndoor but OMG! hardcore dubbers for sure! MOldGxyJEQ4
  16. slammedkustom


    proper annoyed but what can you do? hopefully tomorrow ill have a bit of time and ill laquer the sides to seal it on, then they will just key it i guess! :roll:
  17. slammedkustom


    think ill wait till i move, some fecker decided to remove the wood on one side last night :evil: :evil: tossers!
  18. slammedkustom


    i reckon a set of moon discs, anyone got a set in 14inch!
  19. slammedkustom


    damn straight! :shock: so when are we fabloning your bus terry? ;)