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  1. mattd1984

    Wanted 52mm VDO Tacho

    As above please
  2. mattd1984

    Breakdown Recovery (EU inc.)

    If you can change your insurance go with RH specialised insurance get free cover including Europe mine was only £160. I understand this may not help now but you could call them up and ask who they use?
  3. mattd1984

    Tinware Thermostat

    Do i need a thermostat to air filter pipe if i am not running a standard air filter. (running twin carbs)
  4. mattd1984

    Want to show off your van in Camper&Bus magazine?

    True Johnny Rafa wasn't ranting this time and the hierarchy of Chelsea really are showing wait a joke they are. However last time really was a rant :)
  5. mattd1984

    Want to show off your van in Camper&Bus magazine?

    Sounds like a Rafa style rant. The 'Show us yours' Section is exactly that, not a full spread.
  6. mattd1984

    Happy birthday faux - 38 only!!!!

    Happy birthday Jon, have a good one
  7. mattd1984

    ahh at last vans ready for paint,insides done outside sat

    Looks sweet mate, you must be pleased.
  8. mattd1984

    EBI 5

    Got mine today also.....cant wait 8)
  9. mattd1984

    Photobucket, sloooowww!

    Hi Pete I was having the same problem at the weekend, gets right on my tits. I also ended up giving up! Hope you are well.
  10. mattd1984

    DubsattheCastle 19-21 July EarlyBay Club Camping Thread!

    Starting to get tempted to come to this great show again, it was our first show 3 years ago or was it 4 years ago.
  11. mattd1984

    Spring Valley Bus meets Corvair

    Good work, they will look great when do im sure. 8)
  12. mattd1984

    My 67 Deluxe

    Went to Knebworth House with a mate and his cool Beetle
  13. mattd1984

    '68 Deluxe

    Hay cool thread, vans looks real sweet. 8)
  14. mattd1984

    Luke and Hannah's new wagon!

    Nice work dude, coming along nice. 8)
  15. mattd1984

    My 67 Deluxe

    Wow 9 months since I last update this thread. Time really does fly. So since May we have done lots in the van, see below various pictures. We went to Spa and had a great time.
  16. mattd1984

    The Market Gardeners Single Cab - Back in love

    Great looking SC, your doing some great works. Awesome
  17. mattd1984

    The Egotrip bus: slammed Nov 69 Kombi

    Looking forward to the updates
  18. mattd1984

    status or c and c 4 rubber.

    C & C for me
  19. mattd1984

    FAO Moderators

    Think they stay in your outbox till the person comes online and opens them?