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    alright guys lets see them doesnt have too be before or after but you know where iam getting at! before after (with airabags now)
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    What did you fix on your Bus recently?

    had to fix the airlines on my bay i had a leek on the rear airbags but its all good now :)
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    hey guys its been awhile since i've gotten on here but i was looking for bumper trim for my 68 both for front and rear, cant find anything here in the states soo would some1 help me out? thanks -jay
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    Vegas Bugorama 08

    dude i had soo much fun and i also took first in earlybays which was cool it was my very first turn out too a vw event and will definetly go again next yr see you guys there
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    Anyone running a King and Link beam on their early bay?

    i know for 68 a link beam will bolt right up not sure for 69
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    Tyres / Stance Thread - Lets see what ya runnin!

    narrowed front, wagenswest horseshoe plates and c notched running 145 front and 165 rear rides like a caddy :)
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    new to the site

    ooh u kno what i really havent really checked into that before i got the airbags the bus sat pretty low the bags just gives it i wanna say 3 to 4 inch more drop in the front and rear i'll post up more pics
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    bumper trim

    how much you what for the front sets i've been trying too look for some for a long time and cant find anything here in the states, i would like a good pair nothing too beat up, we can talk about price and shipping thanks
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    new to the site

    drove too california then to las vegas and back its my daily driver
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    new to the site

    its an balljoint beam i know i can go lower if i decided to go with a link pin it rides very well unfortunately the roads arent that well soo iam usually riding the bus a bit up compared too being dumped, i have more pics but i have too start looking for them
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    bumper trim

    looking for front and rear bumper trim for my 68 and if possible to ship to U.S. all the help is needed thanks
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    new to the site

    wasssup iam jay from the us good to see soo many lowlights here well long story short i have a 68 4inch narrowed airbeam wagenswest horseshoe plates in the rear, and c notch running air ride technologies in the front and rear and getting ready too tub the front and rear believe it or not but i...