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  1. R

    VWNW 2010 PICS

    Sweet looking bus, I like the deluxe trim continuing around the front panel.
  2. R


    You're not wrong there Johnny, it's certainly going to turn a few heads at the shows
  3. R


    Any more updates?
  4. R


    I can see how the cooling is going to work whilst on the move with the air being ducted in but what about whilst stood in traffic? is the water pump going to be up to the job or do you plan on fitting an additional electric water pump to make sure you ensure continuous movement? Something I've...
  5. R


    That looks like it should do the job, I can't wait to see it finished
  6. R


    Hi mate, I've been been following this for a while & I'm interested to see what you are planning to do with the cooling system now that you've got the Scooby engine in there, there seems to be alot of buses with water cooled motors about but none of them seem that happy with the cooling they...
  7. R


    That is some serious fabrication there, I'm well impressed or should that read jealous :lol: Is the rear going to be as good...... All the best Rob.
  8. R


    Sorry to here about the engine, This bus is very similar to what I'm planning on building later this year. I can't wait to see the front suspension set up you'll have get us up to date with lots of pictures as you go. Rob.
  9. R

    wot rubber?

    Try Smart tyres in Bell Hill, Kingswood just up from the Worlds End pub. Give them a call on 0117 9559040