1967/8 Cab Door Handles

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Feb 2, 2013
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Can someone please explain to me what the final numbers & letters of these should be.

Jersey Looker says 205J

Others say 205F/G as fitting both late Splits and 67/8 bays.

I've also seem 205F/G with K/L also stamped, in smaller letters, under the F/G.

The replica ones all seem to be sold as fitting both late splits and 67/8 bays.

I did a bit of research into this for mine. I *think* it's the G for 68's. The late splitty (F's?) will fit but the locking eccentric is slightly different. I have a spare set of 68 handles at home, I'll check the model number on those tonight if you like?
I'd appreciate it if you would please.

I've seen some that say "F/G" so I don't know where they fit into the scheme of things.
Maybe they fit both with a change of the 'paddle'?
I think they both fit anyway as far as I could tell, just minor differences between the two. What are you after anyway? I can get some pics if it helps
Thanks for your help.

I'm after some genuine ones as my 'good quality' replica ones are already pitted after 6 months.

I'm trying to find out what will fit, with mods or not, as virtually everyone says that they're suitable for 64-68 inclusive.
As the suppliers tend to quote part numbers I'm trying to use these as a definitive guide

Given the cost of them I'm trying to avoid spending a shedload of money on something that won't fit - I've already been bitten a few times by not realising that some things are 68 only.
:D the joys of a '68. I'll get some pictures and codes for you later. Is it just the cab door handles you are looking into?
OK well I was wrong! mine are stamped J/M K/L maybe I got confused as the F/G would have been ok as well. The date stamp on them is 8/67 and 9/67 so definitely the right ones:






Hope that helps!
It does thanks
I now know the part number of ones that will definitely fit
I've got to admit I don't understand the logic behind the letters though, some have a single letter, some two and some four
If you are struggling to find some then I might sell these without the locks. Not in the greatest nick but might be OK rechromed. One has scuffs on the front and both have chrome coming off.
Thanks for the offer.

I've got the old pair off my bus but the part numbers are unreadable as they're in a bit of a state

Now that I know exactly what I'm looking for I'm going to try and get some new ones

I know that its probably deluded but I can at least try

I don't suppose that you know where you can get new locks from do you?

Afraid not! I only bought this set for the locks (mainly the eccentric) and it was a full set of all handles. I got my original set rechromed and they came up really nice, might be an easier option!

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