34 pict question

Early Bay Forum

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Active member
Jun 10, 2010
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Hi...great forum by the way...I have a Bocar 34 pict on my 72 Bay,can anyone tell me what the 2 brass inlet tubes are one on the front about 5 mm and one on the left hand side looking at it on the bus which is smaller about 3mm,I have neither connected to any thing,so should they be connected...thank you
The one on the left is your distributor vacuum take off. Not sure about the front one, late model air filter with the paper element require a take off, but not sure if its from this point. In any case I have the front one blocked off on both my van and beetle with that carb.

Your not wrong about this place its great :D , and welcome to it!
Welcome to the forum :)

If you have a 009 distributor then you should have all of them blocked off. If you have an SVDA dizzy (vac can on the side) then it should be connected to the lhs vac port on the carb. I don't want to pee you off, but Bocar carbs are not very good - you may have a lumpy tickover with it because the idle circuit appears to have been manufactured by visually impaired muppets. Let us know if you have probs setting it up - there are some simple fixes ;)
Thank you,I will let you know when I set it up,just waiting on a new gasket at the mo,I think maybe I have a leak on the one I have fitted even though its new someone said I may have overtightened it. thanks again

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