Got a bit more done this evening.
First off was to get the garage a bit warmer.
Took the filler pipe right out, wanted to make sure there was no holes or major rust. Just seemed to be a little bit of surface.
I bought some replacement hose from Shorty when he did his.
With the inside of the filler neck wire brushed and given a rub over with some WD40 I put the silicone hose on.
I initially offered it back up to the hole but I think I'm going to struggle to get it in as the silicon hose is a good bit thicker than the braid covered pipe I took off. Might have to go back to the drawing board on this one as I don't fancy running it without a clamp on there.
I've also got to tackle this in daylight as this part of the garage is a bit dark and I've got more nuts to hoover out! :lol!:
I decided to make a start on the engine then.
Started taking out the tinware bolts, removed the fuel pipes, and then popped the carbs off.
Not sure if I'm going to put these back on or replace them with the 36IDF's I've got.
Then got the bottom pulley bolt out but need to buy a puller for the pulley itself. Another thing to add to the 'To Buy' list.
That's it for tonight. Not a huge amount of progress but i'm going to keep chipping away at it. Evenings (with the garage door closed and the heater on) will be engine work, and then when I have a play at weekends it will be focussing on the engine bay.