72 crossover bay factroy Hi-Top with louvers

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Jul 28, 2011
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Hi guys n gals, 1st post and theres a couple of things i'd like to pick your brains on. I'm part way through a full resto on my 72 crossover bay which had (what I believe to be) a factory high top fitted. After some investigation I believe it was actually fitted later in the vans life as there is evidence of it originally having a pop top. (rivet holes around the strengthened aperture in the roof).
From the chassis number, beginning in 2222, I have found it started life as a microbus in sierra yellow and was then converted by devon, more than likely having a moonraker, bellows type, pop top, (exactly like the one pictured below). I am now heavily into the resto, the van is fully stripped including removal of the roof and is currently undergoing some welding repairs and panel replacement.
I didnt really mind the look of the hi top fitted as it is quite unusual with side louver windows as pictured and I initially fully intended to refit after the resto. Now that I'm sure it wasn't original I'm not so set on refitting it.
I would like to return to the original bellows type pop top but I have read 1) they tend to leak, and 2) they are not available anymore.
I have seen the bellows and seals etc are available but not the fibreglass cap.
So my questions are:-

1. How much should I be asking for the Hi-Top if I am to sell it?

2. Is it feasable (both time wise and cost) to carry on seeking out a used pop top with a view to purchasing new bellows, seals etc from the 'camper shop'.

3. Or should I just bite it and go with the readily available westy type poptop. (I really did fancy the look of a moonraker turret style top with a front roof rack though.. )

Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I apologise for going on a bit.. :roll:
Many thanks in advance

Loads more Pictures of resto progress------> http://s1119.photobucket.com/albums/k624/deanomavro/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;




I'd go for a 2nd hand pop-top, but I would because I don't like hi-tops.
I think you'd be hard pressed to sell the hi-top at all, but you never know, someone might want it if it's good condition to replace a damaged one.
It's all a matter of personnal preference. Anything is doable with determination.
keep the high top mate its very in vogue at the moment, there are hundreds of westys and hundreds of devons, hightops really stand out from the crowd. im with groundhhugger :D on this
Johnny said:
keep the high top mate its very in vogue at the moment, there are hundreds of westys and hundreds of devons, hightops really stand out from the crowd. im with groundhhugger :D on this

They do need slamming though to look their best ;)
Ta fellahs, really chuft to hear your opinions, I am definately gonna lower it, cant make my mind up wether to go for lowering adjusters or dropped spindles. I aint going in the weeds, (no narrowed beam) just so its its neat, 1 spline at the rear maybe, wot d'ya think...?

Well I`m gonna be with the first gang and say dump the high top :shock: I`m not keen on them but it`s your bus and you gotta do what you gotta do ;) I`ve seen a couple of very nice high tops lowered and yeah they look ok but still not my cup of tea. That`s one of the nice things about the `bays' is that you can have so many differing variations. I`m a bit on my own :msn4: because I`m not keen on Westy s or moonrakers or anything huge on the roof of your bus. I`ve been after one for a long time and only just got it and fitted it and that`s a late :shock: Devon pop top. Much neater / tidier and don`t look like a turtle humping your bus. It also dosen`t sit in the gutters and cause blockage which can cause a lot of rust problems in the roof section and a lot of leaks. The rain used to run off my other pop top which I think was a Danbury but I`m not sure, then because it was sat in the gutters, it would just cascade down the side and into the slider door and seals. I`m running that with a two bow roof rack on the front and I love that look. :mrgreen:
As for lowering, that`s another can of worms, but myself and a lot of others are running Transportehouse reversed balljoint front spindles with coil over shocks and lower profile tyres on the front and slamworks adjustable spring plates on the rear to level it all off. That`s about as low as you can go sensibly before you start gouging bits off your beam or the front tubs (arches) on your bus. Do a little search on here and the technical section and you`ll see this is maybe now the most popular version, but there`s a lot of other ways as well including creatives front ends and adjusters in the beam just to name a few. But it`s your bus,,,,,,,,,,, your call, if you ever get over this way (Bristol) come and have a look, or see some peeps busses near to where you are ;) (where are you ??)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Trust me to come along and bugger it up !!! :lol: 8) :lol:
Oh !! Hello and welcome as well, that pop top on the sierra yellow one is an earlier version of the Devon pop top. They kinda look ok, but have been known to leak a bit because of the construction technique used on the flat roof bit with that huge rubber gasket joining it all together.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, Welcome to the madhouse :mrgreen:
Hi OzzieDog, I'm in Manchester, and thanx for input 1st of all ;) I go to lots of events so could prob hook up at some point in the future anyway. I'm laid up at the moment as Ive just had a bone graft operation too my left knee, this is why the project at the mo is more management untill im on my feet. Ive got the funds ready to chuck loads at it so your advice on lowering methods is greatly appreciated. I know its always going to be split between people who like the hi-top and those who dont, I've always been with those who dont to be honest, but I gotta be honest, this factory one with the tricky louvers is kinda growing on me.. like a wart... :D As you say, the exact look I wanted was a rack at the front (to cool my beers on the way!!) this is why I was punting towards going back to how it was originally with the smallish turret style pop top. I've had a westy before, (front hinged) and dont really like the plastic luggage store bit, wether it be at the front or the back, I also found the inside a little claustophobic with the wardrobe behind the drivers seat blocking the window. The vans structural repairs are going to be complete in around 6-8 weeks, pretty much having all the usual done underneath and replacing pretty much all panels up to the swaze.. Its going to be at the college having paint untill around April, its then that im going to be concentrating on all the running gear. was swaying more to the creative or T2D adjusters at the front. I'm going to look into the 'Transportehouse reversed balljoint spindles' and coilovers plus slamworks adjustable spring plates as you have suggested. If these are the way forward as you say then so be it... Thanx again Buddy. ;)

Hello Deano,
Ive seen your wanted add for a devon roof and looking at your bus, there looks to be some of the metal missing.There is about 2inch of the metal/roof that is folded up along the length/width of the bus roof ,this is what the timber screws to that holds the fiberglass part of the roof in place.
You will have to weld or rivet some extra metal in if your going down the devon route.
Just thought id let you know....Dave
Hi Dave, Thanx for advice, I think I know what ya mean on closer inspection and a little digging. It should have an upturned lip all the way round the aperture shouldnt it as pictured below.

Found the pic on another thread on here somewhere. Mine has an 'L' shaped angle iron trim that sits in the entire circumference of the aperture but with the lip facing downwards.

I know the van was manufactured as a microbus but then I strongly suspect it under went a Devon converion. (cos the van came with lots of old Devon bits inside, table legs etc, and some home made stuff prob replaced as the devon stuff broke over the years) Its defo had a pop top on it at some point as theres rivit holes around the aperture where the canvas has been or somet. I can only think that maybe it was either some other type of conversion (possibly) or its had a couple of pop tops on it in its time or do ya think this is purely a strengthener fitted around the aperture when the hi-top was fitted and theyve just kinda cut off the upturned lip and fitted this thing :?: Any ideas or suggestion greatly appreciated fellahs... :mrgreen:

Has any one got the exact measurements of the apertute, lip to lip, for a devon aperture, from the picture I cant really make out if my aperture looks a little larger in width, what d'ya reckon... :?:

I'm still awaiting results of a V888 enquiry from DVLA whereupon I'm gonna contact the prev owners n try n shine some light on its history also..

Ta again, Deano. :mrgreen:
Hello! Nice bus you've got there! :D

Re the make of conversion, I think it may actually have been a Danbury. I definitely spotted at least one piece of Danbury furniture in one of your pictures. Whilst it is of course possible that these items were fitted at a later date, I also noticed a couple of black plastic curtain tie-backs in the rear, which are of Danbury origin, and are in the correct locations for a Danbury.
Have a close look on the thin panel between the engine lid and the rear hatch. A small 'Danbury Conversions' badge would originally have been riveted here, just below the chrome latch Are there any signs of the two rivet holes?

The above may explain why the aperture differs on your bus, from the other one pictured.
My own Danbury is a tin-top, so I'm not familiar with the aperture created by Danbury, and am thus unable to help with measurements, but I'd suggest you try someone such as 'Camperdan' who posts regularly in the Gallery section, on his restoration of his po-top Danbury. If you scroll back through his thread, you may even be able to see in some of his pictures, whether the openings on both buses are the same.

Hope I'm not confusing matters further, but just a hunch it may clear things up for you! :D

Danbury Doug said:
Hello! Nice bus you've got there! :D

Re the make of conversion, I think it may actually have been a Danbury.

Have to say i agree, the angle slightly rough looking angle iron strengthening and size of the hole looks very much like my roof. The hole goes from just behind the drivers cab roof bar all the way back to nearly the back of the rear windows. and width wise extends past the raised 'ridge' in the roof on both sides by an inch or so from memory. Bloody big hole is all i can say about it. I decided to fill it with a rag top from paris beetles.


not the best pic but just about shows the size of the hole

my solution
hello again fellahs, Thanks very much for suggestions Doug and Antoine. Your experience and expertise have caused my suspicions to turn yet another corner, :shock: Sounds very promising though.. :D and makes sense too!
Looking at the size of your hole Antoine, (oo-er) , it does look very much the same as mine, haha, So Danbury conversion then, more investigation required me finks. Will check for the rivet holes below latch at rear when I return to work for a start. :idea:
So what are these Danbury pop tops like, any good..? ;)

Thanx again guys. :p

when i still had it, mine didnt have anything to hold it down so i had fun experimenting with different cheap ties. found out that printer cables worked really well after it put itself up on the A19. didnt leak though. even after that. :D
Antoine, bet that was a hair raising experience when the top deployed.. :shock: Would I be correct in saying the size of your aperture is still the same and you just fitted a roll back roof. Was wondering if you remember the dimensions of the hole, length & width. or if I could be super cheeky and ask you to measure it. I think I'm finally coming to the end of (what seems like an eternity) investigations as to what roof will fit. My dimensions of the hole as I'm told are 1180mm wide by 1950mm long. I say as i'm told as the vans in the shop at the mo havin remedials done, so I rang this morning to get the guy to measure it for me.

Any help mucho apprecianado.. :)

i trimmed the edges back 10mm or so to straighten them up and bashed in a middle roof support at the back to hold it all in place, but the size should be pretty similar, i have all my emails to paris beetles somewhere, but the stupid work computers dont let me into my personal emails, yet they do allow me to waste the day on here :roll:
Ill have a check and post some numbers when i get back tonight. as long as i can find the emails, im in the same boat and the bloke doing my van is a bit slow.

1180 x1950 sounds farmiliar though.