A super slammed ride is....................

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windsurfer said:
Well slammed (sorry Councillor) it is then. If my woman can put up with high heels, thongs and having babies then I'm sure she can cope with this! LOL

Well Windsurfer its your van mate and as Ego and Faux have said if done right ie Dropped spindles New beam , shocks Adjustable plates at the back , the ride should not be too bad , Its never gonna ride like stock but as long as you know the score son .
The Only way to Fly......

If DONE properly ,the Gadget bus rides very well Thanks and I will give anyone a test drive to prove it.

Even the Councillor But seeing as he's a scouser I will nail everything down first :lol: :lol:

Gadget ducks and Prepares for the Plates to fly at him ......... Prob pinched plates :mrgreen:

Gadget :wink:
I can't wait til I'm displaying my new SLAMMED ride. I'm looking to have it sorted (hopefully) by Big Bang (if I can locate the right bus by then). Will there be a EB allocated area? If so, see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think i'm being misinterpreted :?

slammed buses (or any vehicle really) in my opinion are the only rides to have.

i feel so strongly about this that i've had mine in bits for, what ? three ? four years :shock:

i get nagged left right and centre about scaling my plans down somewhat and actually getting it back on the road, but to me there's no grey area; it's either bone stock or on the floor, and if i can't have the latter then i'd rather not bother with anything else.

my problem is the myriad moderately lowered buses that get described as slammed, and, as noted elsewhere on this thread, the surrounding nonsense that goes with the genre... smart car tyres as 'slam tyres' indeed :x

as for you windsurfer, think carefully whilst you're at this stage, because i fully understand that if and when i get my bus done i'm gonna struggle to get it out of the garage, let alone get any serious use out of it :roll:

or when you say SLAMMED, do you mean *lowered* :wink:

*it's like, how much more black could this be ? and the answer is none. none more black*


and as for gadget... i don't actually set out to steal stuff, it just sort of gravitates towards me...
the councillor said:
my problem is the myriad moderately lowered buses that get described as slammed, and, as noted elsewhere on this thread, the surrounding nonsense that goes with the genre... smart car tyres as 'slam tyres' indeed :x

as for you windsurfer, think carefully whilst you're at this stage, because i fully understand that if and when i get my bus done i'm gonna struggle to get it out of the garage, let alone get any serious use out of it :roll:

or when you say SLAMMED, do you mean *lowered* :wink:

My only comment is choose ......... a height which suits your needs and taste, don't put a label on it.

My bus is, as far as I am aware, as low as you can go on the rear without putting the gearing at risk by putting lower profiles on and without modding the chassis and engine bar (which is what T2D do). At the front it is as low as I can go with the slightly more comfortable 175/55/15's (rather than the 165/50/15s) on the front without scraping the inner arch or tubbing.

I would love to scrape along the floor in a slammed bus (being short I would even be able to clean the roof without the aid of a step ladder :roll: ) but have to settle with a bus as low as I can PRACTICALLY get it. The wife wouldn't have it any other way :mrgreen:
faux said:
My only comment is choose ......... a height which suits your needs and taste, don't put a label on it.

I would love to scrape along the floor in a slammed bus (being short I would even be able to clean the roof without the aid of a step ladder :roll: ) but have to settle with a bus as low as I can PRACTICALLY get it. The wife wouldn't have it any other way :mrgreen:

Couldn't agree more. I'd love to have my bus slammed, but as I regularly load it up with my wife's entire waredrobe :lol: & every toy/game/bike my son owns just for a weekend camping trip it just wouldn't be practicle. My bus is still lowered & looks resonably cool (IMO), but to a height that means I can still load it up with junk & drive it across a bumpy campsite. :D
hopefully not much more than six months away... :(

... maybe not super-slammed - but definitely *lowered* :D

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