Advice please? Will a 4tress steering lock fit early bay?

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Well-known member
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Near but not in R'low
Picking up a '70 bay next week after a 15 year break. :D
Can anybody please advise me on the best steering lock?
I also want to fit a fire extinguisher in the engine bay if anyone has any views.
Welcome back :p :p :p Good luck with just a steering lock bud as most of the stock ones are fairly easy to disengage if you is determined. A chap on here does a rather nifty pedal lock and he`s called `Uber Cool` and he does the Uber pedal locks. You can get trackers that`ll text you if your bus moves but they can be blocked by the experts, fuel cut offs are only good if they drive it away but the main theft would seem to be by breakdown truck and that`s hard to stop as everyone expects to see an old bus on a tow truck unfortunately. Sorry to put such a downer on it but the best advise is keep it locked up and out of sight as much as possible apart from when you`re using it. Even covers are better than nuffink.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,So what took you so long ? :mrgreen:
Cover purchased, no garage unfortunately.
Was looking at the 4tress lock, just wonder if it fits correctly on a bay steering wheel.
Was looking at the Uber lock, cheaper than a Safe T pedal!
Guess a wheel clamp would be a good idea.....

Had to sell my split to buy the house, taken till now to save enough to get something else!
Lol - good point, i have the uber ped lock, good bit of kit and a bulldog wheel clamp, also good!
The more locks the better i rek :msn4:
Pyeshop said:
Picking up a '70 bay next week after a 15 year break. :D
Can anybody please advise me on the best steering lock?
I also want to fit a fire extinguisher in the engine bay if anyone has any views.

Welcome Back :D

Extinguisher wise try:" onclick=";return false;

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