Ankor Wax on a White Bus? - photos please :D

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
I need to put a better protection on my Westy, what with living by the sea and all that.
I've heard that Ankor wax changes the paint colour/appearance?

Any photos and comments gladly welcome

Spence, I painted it on my engine lid as it's pretty rusty, and on the bumpers too. It makes the paint a bit yellow and stays tacky for ages, so road dirt really sticks to it and it looks pretty grubby. I wouldn't do the whole bus. Lots of regular wax is the only option. I don't get the time so mines looking a bit sad now :(
mister said:
Spence, I painted it on my engine lid as it's pretty rusty, and on the bumpers too. It makes the paint a bit yellow and stays tacky for ages, so road dirt really sticks to it and it looks pretty grubby. I wouldn't do the whole bus. Lots of regular wax is the only option. I don't get the time so mines looking a bit sad now :(

Cheers Andrew, that's what I thought would happen tbh :(
The other option I've been thinking about is this stuff called Collinite - boat wax......
Have you heard of it??
Mine also looking grim compared to 5 years ago :(
Couple of coats of Collinite 845 will do. it was made for speed boats so it must be pretty good , I use on my bus and I live by the sea too.dead easy to use and it leave a really nice coat of polish/sealant.
I ma sure Lisa the Shmoo waxoiled and then polished off the wax oil on her bus to protect it," onclick=";return false;

There is a link ot here VZi resto therad in there which may help, or try contacting her.

I seem to remember it being very hard work but being ace when done.
I used collinite and drove it through the winter and haven't noticed any extra rust to my bodywork. Excellent stuff.
Yep, another vote for collinite from me Spence, goes on really well and gives it a nice coat and makes it a lot easier to wipe the crap off this time of the year.
toffo24 said:
Couple of coats of Collinite 845 will do. it was made for speed boats so it must be pretty good , I use on my bus and I live by the sea too.dead easy to use and it leave a really nice coat of polish/sealant.

Sounds great, looks like I need to get on the Collinite action too!
I use collinite too. It's really easy to apply, no need for proper elbow grease. I live near the sea and mines got no worse.
anchor wax makes it look ***** if ya dont take the time to buff it off, which defeats the purpoe really,

we hammer it in all over in the winter and degrease in the spring. and wash the bus in light oil.
I use Collinite 576s on mine

Very pleased with the excellent beading and water run off on my bus. I used to Anchor my patina front bumper and overiders, but machine polished them up and used 576s instead, water beads off well.

I too live by the sea here in North Devon, plenty of underneath, and box section treatment is worth doing if you havn't done much yet. Loads of pictures and details on my build thread.....

I can recommend the 576s, dont know what the other Collinite is mentioned above though...


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