That was my first ever early bay, I bought it as a project from FBI when he first started but had to sell it unfinished when I bought my first house...................
I'm a bit worried though as it - " drives well in god condition". I'm not religeous so don't think I could buy it back :lol:
It reached £5352 but didn't make its reserve, I have to say that roof/gutters look like they need some work so not sure what the rest of it is like now?
I e-mailed the seller saying that I used to own it years ago and to see what the reserve was as I was concidering buying it back but he wouldn't tell me (his perogative I know).
The roof does look nasty and God only knows where the seams went :?:
everything can be repaired but you would have to take it back to bare metal to really see what you're up against but the price already seems a bit strong to then need to resto it. buy it and enjoy it for a good few years then start digging later on down the line
That was my feeling the price seemed a bit strong and you can't see what it needs as some of it is hidden, I wonder how high the reserve is if hes not prepared to say, 6K, 7K :?: :?: :?: and will definitely need striping back to see whats there. No doubt someone will buy it :roll: