ive been primeing my bus all day today :x am i doing something wrong ,ive used 5ltrs off 1k and only got one coat all over and run out ,still have doors ect to do ,i thought 5ltrs was enough ??? found loads of pin holes so have gone over the bus with stopper wich i will hopefully flat off tomorrow ,do i use wet sand for this or a fine dry sand. really regret trying to paint this myself but just havnt got the money to pay to have it painted .i have been told i will have to sand the hole bus before top coat but to be honest i dont think theres enough primer on the panels to do this. i am going to get another 5ltrs of primer first thing in the morning as i will need this for the doors so do i need to flat the whole bus and recoat or put another coat on then flat ,things allways look good when you read up but never go to plan :lol: any advice for me to read up on tonight would be a great help.