B3L eberspatcher set up.

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2012
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Hi all, Frod is still my works vehicle carrying my ladders between areas where I work cleaning windows. My son is trying to wrestle it off me and other members of the family are asking why I need a van? We've owned and run Frod continuously since buying and road worthying it in 96/97. To me it's like a pet elephant. Recently I moved 24 flagstones with it but not in one trip. Some years ago we bought a 'Petrol' Eberspatcher B3L from ebay and it's sat around ever since. I've just bought a motorbike petrol tank with a tap for it. I have petrol pipe and a box of bits and pieces that were removed from the ambulance that it originally came from. I've heard all the horror stories about them blowing up/ catching fire. So I'm not fitting it into the van until a massive amount of free standing testing is done over the winter heating my shed. So has anyone got a simple set of instructions that Forest Gump could follow just to get it set up on a bench. Outside of VW circles it seems that very few people have heard of petrol night heaters. But 'D' stands for Diesel Eberspatchers and 'B' stands for Petrol ones. Mine is a B3L. Any help would be most appreciated

Glad your Frod is your daily driver, mine was back then as well. Guess what it was all pink at one point, so a 'pink elephant' :oops: :lol:

I read in the VW works manual that the petrol heater should only be used while engine is running and not when stationary as it pulls too much amps. Then again if you have a leisure battery... Also don't know if it was the same model or not.
That's the reason I haven't got one, but if it's a night heater that's awesome.

I also thought about getting a gas heater like propex, but in Germany if you have a gas bottle in the van you need to have an 'airproof' cabinet for it with vents cut out to the outside, don't fancy that.

Sorry for going off topic, I don't know how to set it up on the bench.

Good Luck

Is this of any use?

http://butlertechnik.com/download/9X/Eberspacher_D3L_B3L_Installation_manual.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Looks very similar to the B1l-Zebedee has installed one in his late bay, take a look:

http://thelatebay.com/index.php?threads/how-to-fit-an-eberspacher-heater.391/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I haven't installed mine yet (no interior ATM) but it seems pretty simple.
Thankyou for your replies. The post by Zebedee includes pics that look very like my eber. But the two green wires that are connected to his pump are inside a small plastic box on the side of the eber? I've been watching a video on you tube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RpFZ3vpIs4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
That's great if you have a Diesel one. But it does give you a couple of ideas. I'm going to set it up on the bench before it goes anywhere near my van.
Eberspachers are used a lot on boats and yachts so theres loads on info on that type of website.

What problem are you having with it? All the wires should have plugs that'll only plug into its counterpart unless someone cut them off.
The only real difference between the B1L and the B3L (apart from the amount of heat supplied) is that the B3L has all the electricy bits in the housing on the side of the heater instead of in a separate box.

The two green wires (on mine anyway) with the spade terminals would only connect to the fuel pump as there was nothing else to connect them to.
I run a b3l in my van and its awesome. Dont believe the horror stories, they have several safety features built in. I always start mine when engine is running as they will draw about 20amps on start up! Once the unit is running it only draws a small amount to run the fan motor etc. Make sure the feed wires from battery and earth are heavy duty and run an inline fuse (20amp). Eberspachers dont like voltage problems and will not run/start properly if a low voltage is supplied. I run mine using a simple on/off switch. If this is what you want to do then look at the plug which has6 wires to it. Connect a switch between the red wire and yellow wire, make a short jumper lead to connect the black and black/white wires together. The two separate green wires go to the pump. And finally, the main red power wire to battery and brown to earth. This should fire it up! There are other things to check like length of fuel hoses, mounting angle of pump etc. If you need any more info let me know.
Before i fitted mine to my westy i ran if from a can of fuel on the drive.
Man those things sound like a jet engine starting up. :shock:
A silencer on the exhaust (and maybe inlet too?) would make a big difference and maybe save you losing some friends when you camp next to them.

I've only used mine a few times since fitting it but it was worth its weight in gold in the winter of 09/10 when my passat froze solid and i had to use my westy as a daily. :D

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