Beer of choice?

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Malvern, UK
I shall be having a few beer tonight (Corona of course) and wondered what's everyone else like.

So here we go:
Windsurfer - Corona :mrgreen:
I will be having Carling tonight :) i don't go to the pub that often,been there done it ,got back up and done it again :D :lol: :lol: .
But my favourite drinks are
Theakstons- Old peck
Wychwoods- Wychcraft,Hobgoblin,Circle Master,Goliath or fiddlers Elbow.
Morland- Old Speckled Hen
been off the booze for about 7 weeks now :shock: (probably another 6 weeks to go) as im on painkillers, so any of the above would be nice :D
Fullers london pride, wageldance, adnams broadside, and if I want the world to get really wobbly old peculiar.
Dos Equis for me please 8)


Or Corona, Pacifico, Tecate, Sol.
guiness at the pub stella artois at home ...can`t drink guiness from a can....sacrilege...was going to post a clever pic of smudges low single with a stella can as a measuring stick but my photobucket got hacked by mad south africans! long story
Had a few bottles of Kasteel Kru last night at a "go-live" meeting. Very nice indeed :p
French / belgium STELLA (booze cruise material)
Also i have a fancy to cider, Magners - Bulmers - Katy

Tend not to mix my drinks nowadays and try to stay on the same all night :evil:
Stella at the moment...

Being a member of Camra most real ales are good and enjoy the tastings....

That said most alcohol is good for me.....
hoegaarden, tad dearer than carlingberg, but I think its worth it!! :D
Coooooool, ended up drinking wine, the BOSS made me but after reading this I really need a BEER! :lol:
dosM is by far the most refreshing and beautiful beer i`ve ever drank....only problem is that you have to be in mocambique to drink it :!: still in this day of worldwide travel i bet at least one person on here has been there...i reccomend dosM in the bazaruto archilpaelego :mrgreen:
..................Corona on a Friday night in with with Pizza...........................Doom Bar in the pub in St Ives on holiday.............................Hair of the Dog Guinness on a Sunday lunch time after a heavy Saturday night............................

Some things are just right at different moments.

Sambuca, that is always dirty and wrong, but always seems like a good idea at the time............. :roll: :mrgreen:

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