Brake fluid

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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Just gonna give all 4 corners a new set of brake shoes, thought whilst I was at it I may as well change the brake fluid, how much new fluid will I need? how will I know when the old stuff is out of the system? will the old stuff be dirty? any tips on which way round to do it?
Thanks Andy
If it is quite old I'd expect to see it looking a bit darker, maybe a little cloudier, than the new stuff.
Just changed the fluid in my bay, dont worry you'll be able to tell when the new stuff is being bled, its a lot lighter in colour, i used just under a 1 litre of DOT4 fluid
if it hasnt been changed in a while definitely use about a litre to flush it and a litre to fill it again, the old stuff will be darker but its hard to notice this change, i think the whole system will hold about a litre or so, so when changin, and youve used a litre youll know its new fluid draining out.

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