Buzzer sounds when Indicating Right and no flashing light

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Well-known member
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Apr 19, 2012
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North East

Just fitted a new replacement indicator unit on my US 70 bus, but I've now got a problem where the buzzer sounds (not continuous, but like on/off twice a second) and the right indicator bulb on the front passenger side does not light up.

So, this is what I've tried/noticed...

- Hazard switch works as normal. All indicators light up, although they do flash a little on the fast side.
- I've checked the fuses for continuity, they are fine.
- Swapped the bulbs around, they all fine.
- Also checked the relays, disconnected/rec-connected. As the hazard works, this should mean the relay is fine.

I'm now going over the bentley manual and checking any wiring relating to the indicator/buzzer.

Any other ideas?
Anyone got any ideas?

I tried to sort this again today, but no joy.

From the wiring diagram I don't see how this can be happening. Although I have found dead that the door buzzers don't work when the key is in the ignition and the doors are open.

Was also thinking about swapping the relay?

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