Cab door adjustment beyond scope of hinge adjustment

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
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I have fitted the cab doors to my bay, they appear to sit to far back in the aperture to the point the stricker plate catches the door when its shut.
Is it just brute force and ignorance required to work the doors forward? The hinge mounts on the body appear pretty robust so doubt its worth trying to move them forward.
ronnie12342003 said:
You have to gently smash the crapp out of the hinge to move it forward

as in on the a pillar or within the door itself?
Surely if it is too close to the B pillar then the only option is to grind some material off the hinge mounting face? The hinge mounts allow you to move the door in and out and up and down, or even the tilt if you pack them out with a spacer plate; but physically can't shift it closer to the front of the bus without shaving some of the hinge.
I did like ronnie said and tweaked the mounts on the a pillar, I had tried tweaking the door to get it across but to no avail.
Moved it across now so its central in the aperture. I needed to move it by 2-3mm and this worked fine cannot tell the mounts have been moved.
You cant grind any off as you will be weakening the mounts and if you go through the mount the adjustment plate will fall out.

Time to brace and cut the dogleg out to replace now.
Make sure when you brace the door apeture to allow for the door to stay fitted and try not to have the front on axle stands the body will twist slightly beleive me the dog leg is part of the rigidity in the door apeture
van is on cj autos VIP roller at moment was thinking about thar as it bolts to bumper mounts both ends

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