Camper and Commercial Mag - Any feedback?

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Im one of those people who likes to sit on the pan :oops: with a good mag and I will read it from front to back. I dont flick over articles on splits or the later vans as there is always an interesting angle or story to be had though obviously the bay articles get read first.

I would love to send in a piece about my van when its finished being a rare surviving UK sunroof bus with most of its original metal intact because I like survival stories, Gadgets panel, the bus barn matador etc.

What I think would make for an interesting read would be a 'final thought' page featuring our own Mr councillor. I would buy the mag just for that. :mrgreen:
to be brief, and my own opinion of it is... i wouldn't want Camper and Commercial to change. I admit i do gloss over the new stuff as it doesnt interest me but you have to mix it up for a larger audience. Selling copies = survival.

I like your style of writing David, producing a quality mag on your own is no mean feat :shock: ,

I want to see eggs being fried in Italy, after all i couldnt think of a better place to fry them? :wink: I like to read the camping trips as it what i aspire to myself when im finished my current resto.

Ill continue to buy it.
To add my opinion, I subscribe to C&C and C&B, and the only thing that bothers me is that C&C only comes out 6 times a year! I have no intention of buying a T4 or T5 and most likely wouldn't buy a Split or Wedge but I still like to read about the other scenes and vans to get a broader perspective on the whole VW scene. I get me EB fill on here but don't get me wrong, I much prefer to read about 'my own kind' as that's where my specific interest and heart lies, but I like the idea as Johnny say's of anyones trip round Europe, any kind of Van festival/meet where people show off their pride and joy...

I would like to add my support to the suggestion that 'experienced' vans have a lot to tell and I would like to read more about these than show winners...
I dont read C&C, its not that i wouldn't its just that i generally dont buy magazines and if i do it usually from the local newsagent and they tend only to sell C&B, but i agree with Benyon, most of the articles i read are of people touring around europe. Its something i would love to do but dont know if i have the 'testicles' for it :oops:
I mainly get my fix on here as i like seing what other people have done and some of the gallery threads are resto's going on for many years were as a mag is usually the here and now with a little history but a picture tells a thousand words for me!
next issue (Feb) we have a really nice 1970 RHD Deluxe with Golde sunroof and all the Deluxe bling plus its orig Moonraker interior and a few mods..lovely bus..
also a very nice 72 very low bus owned by Simon from Red 9 with a custom interior and some cool styling mods!
so an EB fix for you from that issue?
Still waiting to hear from you Gadget Boy :wink:
David Eccles said:
next issue (Feb) we have a really nice 1970 RHD Deluxe with Golde sunroof and all the Deluxe bling plus its orig Moonraker interior and a few mods..lovely bus..
also a very nice 72 very low bus owned by Simon from Red 9 with a custom interior and some cool styling mods!
so an EB fix for you from that issue?
Still waiting to hear from you Gadget Boy :wink:

Luckily my paid up subs include this one - maybe it'll persuade me to reenlist!

Cheers David!
Ok well ive re read alot of this thread David and I still stand by my original comments . You were the best and now Im afriad you guys at C an C are runner ups . Ive stood in WHSmiths yesterday and read the mag cover to cover and although some of the articles are well written and photographed actully those written by yourself , i find the others arent and particularly the T4 Vanfest review /thing . I would like to think that the comments that have been posted on here ,all politely I may add as we are a very polite bunch here on Early Bay will make you /publisher of C an C consider '' upping your game'' and bring yourselfs again back to the top of the tree. Possibly increase the mag to 95 pgs and make it monthly Im sure this could only benifit C an C and ultimatly us the readers .

What i would say though if you accept articles from contributers ,please ensure they are factually correct as people believe what is written infront of them is true . The power of the press so to speak .

As always I look forward to your response David :wink:

the councillor said:
Gadget Boy said:
contributers ,please ensure there factuly correct

*you are a volksworld proof-reader and i claim my £5*


Contributors, please ensure they're (or they are) factually correct

:mrgreen: you know I had too, :mrgreen: being a teacher and all (albeit a PE teacher)......not that I can spell particularly well.

Sorry Gadget :lol:
i like what you did there for two reasons...

a) you didn't tell me to "go and *&^% yourself you speccy bookworm ponce"
b) to the casual reader it looks like i've got a pal with whom i get up to all sorts of web-based japes.

Just for you Gadget" onclick=";return false;

back to topic now....

Em yeah no comment
Gadget Boy said:
Loxy Your really showing your age Now You old fart :lol: Yes i think it was :wink:

Mr Claypole Hmm .......

Dont ask why but my two colleagues at work were recently nicknamed Nina Popov & Timothy Claypole :lol:
And unfortuantely I do remember watching it on tv in my youth, still at least I know how old my van feels :lol:
Unfortunately some of you dont grasp the basic ecenomics or magazine publishing.

VW specialist magazines are very (and i mean VERY) low circulatory figured magazines.

Magazines in general rely on very heavy circulation as its such a cut throat business with distribution being held by a very few limited companies who can make or break you.

Luckily Jazz does have a reasonable base through other specialist market leading mags but once again circulation on those is low too.

Most magazines will actually have about the same physical reading components but the bulk of pages will rely heavily on the maount of advertising they can command.

As C and C has a relatively low amount of advertisement (more now than first year) its article content will thus be limited to get a competitive return on a monthly or bi monthly sale.

Some people on here would want an early bay only mag and all i can say to them is go out and produceone and see how quickly it would fold as you are limiting an already limited market, heaven knows you will then be having peo0ple demand a crossover only mage or a 1969 white solid roof LHD Westy mag....can you see where this is going.

To me any story can be a good story and you can gain inspiration from anywhere. Have a read of Practical Classics for example ever now and again! by looking around you might find that extra little spark your van has been missing.

I do however have a gripe on vehicles being multi placed in mags and there was a period of a few issues of all mags where the same vehicles were duplicated.....This isnt the mags fault but the owners who obviously havent been playing ball, although some cars do deserve such coverage even at the loss of the reader.

My hightop splitty was featured in No 10 and has ben inside the covers many times but ive done a lot to it since then and have a lot more still to do as well as a Westy caravan to make a complete train. Once this is all complete id love it to be featured again but Im sure it would not be at a detriment to the readers.

Im also just completeing a complete resto on a cabriolet which was featured in Volksworld from the US about 18 months ago, was bought on the strength of the article and imported only to find it was basicallya wreck.

Its had a complete nut and bolt resto and probably about a 1/3 of the car replaced, its going to be shown at Volksworld Show as a debut and I would like to think it could be featured again without any detriment whatsoever especially with the story it now has.

Above someone commented about reading the mag cover to cover in Smiths yet still didnt buy it and still comments detrimentally.

If everyone does this see how quickly we dont have these minor distribution specialist mags about....We have already lost several titles, Two in recent years in this country Total VW and DUbscene and America has lost VW Trends...My advice is buy them all and help save your reading delights for future generations

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