Carb questions

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
In the process of rebuilding my carb (never done this before so excuse my ignorance!!)

It is a pic 34 -3 on a 69 van. The end of the solenoid (?) Looks a little strange to me as if something has snapped off. Is this what's in the photo correct for the carb please? If not what should it be?
Here is the photo hopefully,!
Mine is the same, it's been snipped off, mine doesn't work, this is a work around, when you put 12v to it does it click? My guess is it doesn't.
It's to stop run on/dieseling as in the engine ne runs on after the ignition is switched off, if your van doesn't do that then it doesn't need fixed.
Hmmm..Thanks this has me thinking if i have the right carb on? I noticed the vacume pipe leads no where too? Amy thoughts please
The vacuum pipe should be going to your dizzy if its a SVDA, if someone has changed it to a 009 then block up the vacuum pipe and try and find a SVDA. I have a Pict 34/3 carb on my 1600TP, its the riht carb but i'm getting rid of mine and going to twin FRD 34B's
You have the best single carb, but the 'wrong' distributor.... I know its a point of contention but the 009 wasnt designed for the loads you get from driving. An SVDA with a vacuum port should improve drive ability. Changing mine made it much better to drive at part throttle and on acceleration. The solenoid isnt essential as PICT says
Bluesnailman said:
You have the best single carb, but the 'wrong' distributor.... I know its a point of contention but the 009 wasnt designed for the loads you get from driving. An SVDA with a vacuum port should improve drive ability. Changing mine made it much better to drive at part throttle and on acceleration. The solenoid isnt essential as PICT says
Agree 100%

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