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Thanks fellas, appreciate the advice.
I’m in St Albans Herts and haven’t managed to find a decent specialist local garage in 10 years and have tried a few who say they have past experience etc. Any recommendations for local to St Albans greatly appreciated.
The van stalls after a period of high revs up hills or along the motorway.
Have always kept to stock and have the solex 34 pict 3 fitted and alegedly refurbed but rough running at idle still.
Had the same issue with the original solex carb so changed it for a completely refurbed on off flea bay. And so maybe the advance is the issue or a new carb from Rage? New garage? All of the above? 🤔😬😅
This sounds like you’re getting there. You could prove this theory if you run it until it’s too hot and causes the issue then stop ( like there’s a choice) pop off the air filter and drop a capful of fuel very carefully down the carb (hot motor, careful careful) if it starts immediate then you’ll know for sure it’s a fuel supply issue. If it’s definitively a fuel supply issue it would be easy enough to pop the pump off quickly to see if indeed the pump rod is jammed its only two nuts and leave the fuel pipes all connected, and just wiggle the rod up and down. New pump usually means a new rod and possibly a new mount / guide thing that the rod slides up and down in. This could indeed be the main issue. Running this around in my head, I can’t see the rod seizing on its own as there is a bit of slack, not much but a bit. It’s possible that the rod is slightly bent perhaps? Or the pump stand / guide thing is expanding as it’s getting hot and gradually squeezing the rod until it can’t jiggle no more, which would indeed make it a bit of a pig to try and tune the motor so it may actually be running a bit hotter than it should and enhancing the issue. If it’s all new ish then theoretically it’ll all be a tad tight.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,that ^^^ might be all baloney :)
I did manage to get it started with the magic fuel spray in the air intake a few times! 🧐. So no baloney, will check out the rod and guide stand.
Just to add to what @ozziedog is saying - I've never had this but if it is the Fuel pump/rod issue I think there's a few videos out there from years ago (Bug Me from the US?) which shows/ describes the issue being the black plastic pedestal(?) (expanding?) or the issue being the rod itself.

Think they either swapped the rod or sanded the black pedestal?

Also, long shot - but you mention fitting an alternator; Was this a swap, like old alternator for a new alternator, or don't suppose you replaced a generator/dynamo?

Just the rod is a different size for an alternator.
Spot on. I replaced a dynamo with a bosch alternator but the pump was changed too for that reason. I’ll get that checked first though 👍
This sounds like you’re getting there. You could prove this theory if you run it until it’s too hot and causes the issue then stop ( like there’s a choice) pop off the air filter and drop a capful of fuel very carefully down the carb (hot motor, careful careful) if it starts immediate then you’ll know for sure it’s a fuel supply issue. If it’s definitively a fuel supply issue it would be easy enough to pop the pump off quickly to see if indeed the pump rod is jammed its only two nuts and leave the fuel pipes all connected, and just wiggle the rod up and down. New pump usually means a new rod and possibly a new mount / guide thing that the rod slides up and down in. This could indeed be the main issue. Running this around in my head, I can’t see the rod seizing on its own as there is a bit of slack, not much but a bit. It’s possible that the rod is slightly bent perhaps? Or the pump stand / guide thing is expanding as it’s getting hot and gradually squeezing the rod until it can’t jiggle no more, which would indeed make it a bit of a pig to try and tune the motor so it may actually be running a bit hotter than it should and enhancing the issue. If it’s all new ish then theoretically it’ll all be a tad tight.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,that ^^^ might be all baloney :)
I've had new rods and guides so tight that you can't get the pushrod in the guide,so with a hot engine and expansion etc would/could be the problem
Hi All,
The van is running rough and cutting out of power up hill. Not been able to solve the problem after many trips so took to a local garage-local non specialist but mechanic with experience of air cooled engines. Garage advises a new carb. I have a flea bay bought solex 34-pict 3 on the 1600 twin port brasil engine fitted 10000 miles ago. Always had this cut out/tuning issue which is why I bought the flea bay carb. New garage are advising a weber as easier to tune and more reliable.
What would you advise? Any thoughts appreciated.
Did you get this resolved yet?

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