check out this grill!

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Hampshire New Forest
Year of Your Van(s)
After 1972
Van Type
79 sunroof deluxe
ya dont se many! 8)
nice 8) ive got a pair in the loft awaiting my van being roadworthy. an outer deluxe grill trim would look great paired up with them. and some see through cable ties, i assume some of those fiddly tabs cracked oof the back of them.
Very nice... but being that it's breakfast time I was hoping for some George Foreman grill action ;)
andewilson said:
nice 8) ive got a pair in the loft awaiting my van being roadworthy. an outer deluxe grill trim would look great paired up with them. and some see through cable ties, i assume some of those fiddly tabs cracked oof the back of them.

Definitely secure these with something other than the tabs as the lovely NOS ones I fitted were kindly bent to shit by some kind soul attempting to steal them, so I would say clear cable ties are a must with these :)
stainless ties in an envelope just needs posting, be careful putting them on you'll slice your fingers open, best to put the grill on a flat surface and draw the tie gently tighter
monkeyvanwestybike said:
Indeed they do!
Is that a chromed single mount Hella antenna i see on your bus? :)
if so where dya get it? :)
Available over here too mate just put one on mine got it from C & C.