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dubdubz said:
could you rather than clearance - go with a steel 'end' say 3ft into the garage space and remove the fatter wooden section? you can get side slides and 2 springs - guessing you have 1?

WOW :shock: :shock: :shock:
Have you done a course recently in mind reading???
I have the original Garador side slides and springs if that’s what you mean as that’s where most of the mechanisms are . The big issue that’s causing all the wear and tear on my back at the moment is the fact that I can’t attach the side springs until I can lift the door fully. I also can’t see a clever way to work out exactly how much to take off without manually lifting :shock: straining :shock: to get it up a bit then put a block of wood under it until the top touches and mark it with me little pencil then let it down again, then lift again, and a bigger block of wood and a wedge etc etc etc. Now I’m a little further and I’m using ‘’’ builders only’’’ measurements :D, now my exact measurement at the moment is two Whitbread crates and a piece of four by two on the flat , an off cut of architrave and a tad of a wedge :p but in the larger scheme of things I think I’m about half way in the relieving side of things :roll:
When I’ve got the damned thing working I’ll take a good restock of the situation and look at it with fresh eyes. At present I’m thinking to add two further purlins to aid and assist the butchered one, I’ll see what space I have left, at the moment I’m thinking a four by two on it’s flat just down a tad or wherever I can slot it in downslope and upslope maybe a four by two the right way up, I’ll see what we can fit. Also I’ve mentioned that I’ve been reusing any old crap laying around / recycling and I’ll see if I can cut a couple of sections of this steel roofing sheet and fit to both sides of my massaged purlin using multiple strategic fixings or any old screws I haven’t found a use for in the last twenty or thirty years and that should just about sort it. Then I’ve gotta add to the bottom of this door, again I’ve put off thinking about this in depth, and I’m thinking how I can frame up and use more plasti coated steel sheet. It’s a very similar profile to the existing garage door if I turn it the opposite way to where I’ve used it above to cover my laddery plyish steeled up lintel , I’ve got various ally remnants for the frame, including various old ladders so I’ll try and make it as light as poss because this will be more work for those poor old springs that must be forty years old, however both pairs seem to be in remarkably good shape(so far) :mrgreen: So I’ve gotta day off tomorrow and the lecky plane comes out to play again, thankfully I’ve got a shavings bag on it too :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, I’ll pop up some pics, don’t look at the woodworm :shock: :shock: :shock:
dubdubz said:
Creative building at its best...shame you can’t alter the roofline as it might have been easier...

Anything could be done and if I’d thrown some money at it, I could have levelled the walls with a course of block work and banged on a couple of wall plates, trussed it and tiled it with a pair of trusses on the end to act as lintel too and give myself a load more storage. However I’m struggling with it but I am desperately trying to cut down on the ‘’ stuff’’ I’ve got stored and I’ve done a couple of van loads pre covid very much to that avail, and when I’m saying struggling, I only mean not collecting stuff and things that seem to magically appear in my garage titled ‘’’that’ll come in handy one day’’’.
I love that creative building quote, that’s pretty much me to a tee :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,on it tomorrow :mrgreen:
you promised pics .... I am the same
I have stuff that I said will come in handy...I sort through it and end up like a special hoarder person with a
deffo tip pile
maybe tip
maybe break down a bit more and tip some of it
and a misc pile of pretty sure I needed it for something but it cannot be 'sorted' until I remember

I had some too good to throw away timber but too rough for anything on show - that I left outside for months and forgot about and is now all dead!
dubdubz said:
you promised pics .... I am the same
I have stuff that I said will come in handy...I sort through it and end up like a special hoarder person with a
deffo tip pile
maybe tip
maybe break down a bit more and tip some of it
and a misc pile of pretty sure I needed it for something but it cannot be 'sorted' until I remember

I had some too good to throw away timber but too rough for anything on show - that I left outside for months and forgot about and is now all dead!

I can totally relate. I’ve got rid of so much but because I’ve got so many little jobs on the go, I’ve got little piles of tools and bits and pieces all over the garage, I’d be struggling to find a flat surface to put anything down on if it was bigger than a matchbox :lol: I very very nearly weighed that big ally ladder in a year or so back, but so glad I didn’t, plus I’m glad I stuck my nose in when the neighbour was getting shot of those steel sheets. But I gotta be good and get rid of the rest of the junk once I finish this little task and not store it for just In case :msn4:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,but this six meter ladder is way too good to scrap,,, Ooooohhhhhh decisions :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

P.S. pics tomoz on my day off with some daylight :mrgreen:
Piles of crap for the various little jobs that came out of this one job. Screws, self tappers, sheeting screws, rivets, assorted nails, gunebow ring shanks, etc etc etc, proper drill, sds, cordless drill, impact. cordless and impact driver Manuel, screw driver massive, screw driver little, one in the middle :lol: lecky plane, circular saw, jigsaw, handsaw, didn’t get a hacksaw out though :roll:

Then there’s steps, Whitbread crate, courage crates, Corona crate :shock: :shock: :shock: yes we’ve had the full compliment out today :p

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, bloody aching now :mrgreen:
Here’s the light relief of the purlins ,,went a bit more than I’d have liked but hey ho, it’ll hold for now.had to notch a second one slightly too.

The door is now adjusted and working and the springs are attached. Start on the bottom addition in the morning, then I got some 3X3 recycled plastic to scarve the frame stiles with and should make good bumpers too. Then a little soffit of some description to finish between frame and ladder ish beam :? Maybe plastic too, somewhere nice for the spiders to party, like an arachnid dance hall :shock: I likes spiders :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,back at it tomoz :mrgreen:
Well I’m off for the weekend and am doing a trillion things / jobs. I’ll take some piccies of the door extension some time and it dont look too bad. It is nothing like a brand new door but it shouldn’t attract too much attention either. Security was also very high on the agenda but I shan’t be picturing too much of that on a forum. The whole thing is finished apart from the strengthening of the ‘relieved’ purlin sections but only because I forgot:mad: however it took the wind load of those dafty storms we had recently and several neighbours lost sheds and fences and stuff all around me, but I’ll be happier if I steel it up a bit just for piece of mind.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,I’d forgotten about this thread :)
Like the pics on the inside of the door, must have taken ages to do that!
Hi Mike,
A lot of time in-terms of years of collecting rubbish and bits and bobs from various shows and camping trips but in actual ‘doing it’ time, it’s just ten minutes every so often when the mood takes me and I’ve got something from a show or trip or event etc, it’s all sorts of everything just glued to the door, a bit like an open large scrapbook. Wrist bands and neck straps are my current favourites.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, a bit more colourful too :)