Cutting out at 50...

Early Bay Forum

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I had a very similar problem a few years back, turned out to be the coil breaking down when it got hot.
a simple fix of a new coil but I remember it took me several evenings to get to the bottom of as I was
convinced it was a fuel issue having recently overhauled the carb!

has the garage had a look yet? what did the find?
Thanks for this, and the other replies.

I'm still waiting to hear on the van, he fitted it in as a bit of a favour so it might the end of the week before I know. Interesting to see so many similar issues.. Worth knowing for sure!

I'll let you know the outcome of the engine check.

Evening all! Ok updates as promised. The van is ready for pink up
And apparently the issues were multipul.

The carb was apparently shot. The timing was out and the points 11degrees wrong. The tappets not quite right. There was also an issue with the starter.

At that rate I'm surprised it was running at all never mind cutting out! Explains the difficulty to start and poor running though.

I had a similar problem, turned out to be a broken filter in the tank, when i flushed the tank through and fitted a new filter the problem went away!