does anything on this look like a 71?

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2009
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It must be 74 model year onwards with no filler cap? Mustve been plated for tax exemption, I guess.
At least a 74. Can you say.... grafted chassis number? Easy way of going tax free.

Looks like it's starting to bubble through on the front and rear arch,and is a converted panel van. The rear bumper is on the piss.
Be very afraid
i guess he brought the reg from dvla or somewhere you can make you vehicle look older but not younger
You can buy and fit an older reg number but you cant change the year. I would say thats been doctored :roll: Not the first one weve seen on here either.

You could conceivably get a 71 crossover that someones added late bits to but that petrol cap would need major surgery. I would avoid it. If you want a genuine tax free westy buy one on here ;)
IMO I would say that some one has scrapped an Early and taken it's identity........FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!

They will not pull the wool over my eyes but some poor innocent will buy this :evil:

Should be reported!
Sad thing is the seller might be in the dark - there is a guy in our local club has a 1302 and recently discovered
it has been 'plated' at some point, but luckily he has managed to get a new reg on it and it's all sorted now.
there are so many items different that no one in there right mind would go to the effort of re engineering to get the late bay on an early....

I emailed him yesterday so see what comes of it....
:lol: i couldent help myself either araon

this was the reply

It's a 1971 chassis and engine. So 1971.
I understand that it was rebuilt using some panels and parts from a wrecked scrap 1979 camper. So some sort of hybrid!!
----- Original
See, Id be more worried about it being a completely rebuilt hybrid, and therefore 'honest' than I would that it had been plated for tax exemption.
Although such practices are illegal, and usually get lumped together with cutting and shutting and vehicle theft, none of which I condone, in this case if a scrapped van has sacrificed two small bits of metal for exemption, then Im not 'that' arsed.... as long as the owner, and potential buyer is 'in the know' of course. A Beetle body can be switched to a different pan for the same purpose and thats no problem at all, legally ....

If it were an ad on here though, Id delete it ;)

I guess the bottom line is ..... Early Bay - all the way! :D
Strongy pretty much the same response....

the problem I have that its the whole body and the cab thats late, to cut it down to the chassis isnt financially viable in any way shape or form..... late bumpers / bumper irons, deformation panel will mean late chassis rails

that van has been plated for sure and apart from that he should be stipulating the extensive nature of works in the ad if it was genuine.....
In my eyes this is fraud & illegal, plain and simple - but it goes further...

If someone simply re-plates a newer car and gets away with it to avoid the tax, then soon everyone will do it and this will simply fuel the fire for those that would like to see our 'Historic Vehicle' status scrapped!

Let me ask you this - if your family member was about to spend thousands of pounds on a nearly new VW Golf that had been 're-plated' would you be so willing to ignore it?
This seller is not being honest, the vehicle is being passed off as something it isn't, and an innocent punter will get stung in the process - possibly putting them off the historic VW scene for ever - is that fair?

There are no VW Golfs that would be eligible for tax exemption so its not really a relevant comparison, I dont think. This van in question is obviously wrong, and the real crime, in my eyes, is landing another punter with a potentailly worthless van. I think as time goes on such vehicles will become worthless as buyers realise they are buying a vehicle that could be impounded and crushed at any time ......
I was coming from the perspective of an owner plating his own van, that he would own and use himself ..... I realise its the tip of an iceberg But the 'fraud against the taxman' outrage is 'maybe' a little bit ott? I dunno ...

Anyway, Ive put my money where my mouth is and publically asked a question on his ad, hopefully this will at least 'make the point' to any potental buyers without me being too contraversial?

I appreciate that my VW Golf analogy wasn't perfect, but my point is that this vehicle (if we're right, of course!) is a 'ringer' - it's possible, for example, that the original late Bay in this advert was stolen and has been given a new identity.

I'm glad I can tell the difference between a 'late' and 'early' bay, but there are plenty of good folks out there that can't, and many more that will be tempted by the 'Tax Free' message - as you say, this vehicle could be impounded or crushed at some point in the future and that's what I object to - some innocent punter getting burned down the line.

I don't object to people evading a little tax - people have done that since taxes were first introduced, but this goes beyond that in my view - I want safe, legal cars on the road and a scene where fans of VW's aren't getting ripped off! (Of course, I'm not suggesting that you'd want anything else Clem!! :D )

I just cant fathom out the seller, hes aware of the extent of works (or suggested works), but I'm not sure wether hes performed the work and passing it on or wether he bought it in this guise and was informed of the works......

The fact hes stating and is aware of the differences privately narks me as these are details that should be in the ad, also the vans had a recent "restoration", right and i'm a brain surgeon during my spare time with a OR in the shed :roll: the paints blowing alarmingly already look at the arches....

Now unlike some I really do have a problem with people getting around the tax, if you want to avoid paying the road fund then get a vehicle thats in the right era and go through the ballache that the rest have to go through trying to find the right car, restoring it or putting it mechanically right. On another note if you go this route and are involved in an incident, once the assessors get there mitts on it the insurance will default leaving the third party royally in the shit....

rant over......and relax.......
Justin & Mutley said:
I want safe, legal cars on the road and a scene where fans of VW's aren't getting ripped off!


I agree entirely. :)

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