If you don't have decent frames then buy another set second hand but make sure you check all the springs, operating mechanism and recliner
I've now got a 'collection' of decent seats as I had to buy so many seats I decided to keep the a couple of pairs of decent ones as what isn't used will be used on the next project(s).
My experience was that is took alot of seats to get good ones (the amount I had to bin was unreal). What pis*ed me off most is buying decent seats to turn up and find they were rust, bend, broken, missing parts -and a few came off here :x , other on Ebay or via the other internet out there
For the decent ones I got them blasted and spend something like 3 days painting the frames (that was 2 sets) prior to a rub down and final flick over with a gun (a paint gun will not get into all the parts of the frame). I've bought new pads and am now sorting the covers. I would estimate that a pair of these covered will stand me in at over £500 of actual cost (which excludes buying them, checking / fixing and painting them)
And you wonder why people put nice aftermarket seats in ('cos it's cheaper)
How much would a repro set frame need to cost for you to buy one?