Earlybay Surf Campout 12-13th June CANCELLED

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scott wilson

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
50 north -5 west
after hijacking marchers thread there is going to be a summer meet of earlybay( but all aircooled welcome) surf meet. It will cost £8 per night for a bus+ awning + hook up+two adults+two kids...weirdly dags are an extra quid...proper cornish.
It seems june 12-13th is the best date. All intrested parties please register their willingness to partake as the site needs to accomodate us.This is not a profit making enterprise merely a meet up and have fun job. :wink:

Campsite has been changed. It`s more expensive but is peaceful, 5 mins walk to beach which allows vans to be left set up rather than uprooting every time you want something from town.Prices are on page 2 :mrgreen:
putting 'Word' around Zwindon airskool ans The Bastardo Brudda's now Scott...we get back to you with numbers.

As for Brizzol Volksvest..Zwindon AirSkool hook up for anyone travelling the M4.....Glos way then feel free to give me a shout for pick up point 8)
definitely interested and the road trip sounds good fun too, (me n the mrs are thinking of booking the week off) do we have to pay up now or is it a pay on the day job?

Alan :mrgreen:
it`s a little known campsite just outside perran called highergolla farm.It`s small but has all the right facilities. If you guys want easier access to town( ie being able to walk) then we could switch it to budnic campsite. Will be slightly more expensive but it`s right close to town and is very pretty...its up to you guys..
Sounds like a plan, the closer one to town sounds good, makes it easier to just leave everything set up.

My board didn't get nearly enough use this summer.

Count us in Me, Mrs Faux and Faux Jnr + Early bay and awning.
ant, yes they are the ones....anyone staying for the week it is advisable to book. I`ll check out the pricing for budnic and also the dag issue.
Parking in perran at this time of year incurs a £3.50 fee so the money saved camping at highergolla is lost on parking everyday and as jon said it`d be easier to just leave everything set up and walk to toon.It`s a ten minute walk to the beach from budnic
Sounds cool let me speak to other arf,does any 1 know the price for lessons and wet suit hire or has any 1 a spare board for me to jump on,then i can just hire wet suit.Me + other arf + lady junior + awning + dag + football :lol:
didn`t get any info today..too busy sorry.But you`re welcome to borrow one of my logs. Will get on the info needed friday...lots of busses being moved from southampton tomorrow so if you see an earlybay on a trailer don`t forget to honk and wave a lot...ooh and theres one split..all together now...hiss boo aah , it`s nice really
Think I fancy this weekend out, but it's a long long way from Manchester it's gonna take some persuading the Mrs Helen to sit for 9 hrs in the van :shock:
Could very well be the first proper maiden voyage for POE.

So what if non surfers came along? Would they be stuck in a field of vw's with no one to talk to, 'cos they are all surfing.....???
Only asking as i am a fully paid up member of the non surfing club.

Ands1 said:
Think I fancy this weekend out, but it's a long long way from Manchester it's gonna take some persuading the Mrs Helen to sit for 9 hrs in the van :shock:
Could very well be the first proper maiden voyage for POE.

Andy you could always come on the mentioned road trip? brake the journey up a bit :)

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