Fuel Guage constantly flickering around!

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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Hi - Have been driving my van round quite a bit since i got it all running but the fuel guage is driving me nutty!

Sometimes it`ll flick straight up to the where the fuel is (roughly) and stay there. But sometimes, it`ll go mental and go from nothing to a level and constantly flicking around! Then sometimes, it won`t work at all!!

I`ve cleaned all the earths up on the fuel guage, sender and body and they are pristine. If i earth the wire that goes to the sender, then the guage shoots straight to max. When i had the tank out, the resistance changes when you move the float inside it (by tipping it up and down).

I `m pretty sure this is a common problem - has anyone else had it and managed to sort it out?

mike.s said:
Hi - Have been driving my van round quite a bit since i got it all running but the fuel guage is driving me nutty!

Sometimes it`ll flick straight up to the where the fuel is (roughly) and stay there. But sometimes, it`ll go mental and go from nothing to a level and constantly flicking around! Then sometimes, it won`t work at all!!

I`ve cleaned all the earths up on the fuel guage, sender and body and they are pristine. If i earth the wire that goes to the sender, then the guage shoots straight to max. When i had the tank out, the resistance changes when you move the float inside it (by tipping it up and down).

I `m pretty sure this is a common problem - has anyone else had it and managed to sort it out?


I cleaned the resistive wires (very carefully) when I had my sender out - you need to take the can cover thing off to get to them. That seemed to cure any issues with my fuel gauge being a bit inconsistent.
If yours was not a '68 model year, I would suggest replacing the sender unit with a (fairly readily available) new one. However, like me, you have a '68. These have a different sender unit which I believe is not easy to obtain new and even when new is very erratic! Mine never shows much more than 3/4 full and shows empty when only just below 1/2 full.
I work on the basis that it is a 60 litre (13 gallon) tank, then hope for 25mpg, hence 325miles per tank. A post-it -note clipped to the rear view mirror stem with a clothes peg (yes, really!!) shows me the mileage with a full tank and I look to fill up by 300miles. Simples!!! Use it a bit and you will get the hang of mileage dependant on town use or longer runs.
On the recent trip to Ninove, my companions were in doubt a few times as to fuel remaining. I however, sat back feeling smug (and with fingers crossed) that my hi-tech method kept me informed and to date it has worked fine :D
A bit long winded but perhaps your best bet? I don't like carrying a full can so often have an empty one on the roofrack and an AA card just in case....

Or try the advice given in the last post - let us know if it works!
Pete B said:
Mine never shows much more than 3/4 full and shows empty when only just below 1/2 full.

that sounds about right!

i may have to go with the high tech method for the minute as i can`t be bothered to take the engine out again to chagne the sender!

I didn`t realise the fuel sender was a 68 only until aswell!? - another one to add to the list! Just out of interest how is it different to other years and whats different about later years that stops them being fitted?
mine works ok :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: at the moment(thats the kiss of death then)
I believe the early amounts to a vertical tube containing a float, the later being a dog leg lever with a float on the end, hence the tanks are different. Do not know if they are interchangeable. If they fit, is the gauge the same?
Not 100% certain on any of this, have just accepted the gauge will not be accurate and adopted my own method!
I just checked just kampers catalogue and they list a tube sender from 67-73 and then they have a float type from 73 onwards. Expenseeev though at £43 :shock:
Hi Mike,
Mine was doing exactly this. I found it to be the connections on the back of the gauge in the dash - the spade connectors go through the metalwork of the dash pod and are insulated from it by plastic. The plastic is in 2 peices. Mine had separated and was letting the spade connectors touch the metal of the dash pod, so the guage was jumping around when the connectors touched, also when the lights were on the guage showed a different amount, or when the indicators were on it jumped around as the lights flashed. I pushed the plastic back together and used a little superglue to hold this. Now the gauge is steady - no jumping around at all. Have a look at the connectors behind the dash and see if they are loose, could possibly be the same problem as mine??

yes - it does flick when the indicators go sometimes but i`m fairly sure the connections were ok, but i`ll double check them :)
wired up a friend dash today
fuel gauge will flicker if there's a bad connection on the 2 fuel gauge wires in dash
broken plastic retaners

turn on your hazzards thats the best one up and down like a yoyo well it amused me :lol:
another vote for the plastic connections on the back of the pod, i spent ages trying to get mine to work and it kept earthing out on one of them, but when you wiggle it around you should see it jump around
I ended up cutting the wires that goto the gauge itself and fitting bullet crimps, removing the stupid connections that, as said, break or loosen and earth out.
My gauge is now steady'ish until below a 1/4 of a tank and then it goes mad, i have got a new sender to fit next time i get the engine out (and it will happen :lol: )

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