Generator Light Staying On

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Reaction score
Yep, another tech thread from me, I'm learning honestly!
On the way back from Southwold the generator light came on about 30 miles from home. When my bus was cutting out due to the servo the G light would flicker so I assumed they were related, however clearly not.

I've done a multi-meter test on the battery, showing 12.3 but when revved it doesn't go up, so I pushed down the brushes which now seem to spark and the G light went out, however a short while I pressed the brakes and the light came on again.

Would this suggest the brushes need replacing? Why does it come on with the brakes?

Thank you :)
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Have you checked the fan-belt tension? In theory, if you're braking then you're not accelerating which may mean the engine is at a lower rev range and the fan-belt is slipping.

Take a look at [youtube]BslIfjBjY-Q[/youtube]
If pushing the brushes down helped cure it for a bit then it seems likely they need replacing.

They should stick up out the back of their holders.
I've solved an issue! Nipped up to GSF and got new brushes. Replaced them and hey presto, generator light has gone off and battery is going up to 14v when revved. Get me.

Stu, alternator conversion is high up on my priority but have to wait until pay day. :D

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