have you seen that ridiculous 'early bay' thread on VZi?

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always wanted a bus, had loads of golfs and a beetle. saved some money up, went to a few shows, looked on a few forums, liked the look of the ones with the small lights at the rear and the low indicators and rap around bumpers ......... while i was at dubfreeze this year one drove past me in the car park and i saw a sticker in the back window "earlybay.com" i brought one because they look sooooooooo much nicer did'nt know there was a scene or anything, must just have good taste 8) .. true story ... some cool people on vzi brought and sold parts on there, most are ****** tbh, thats just my opinon !
lard said:
Got to page 5 and lost the will to read any more - is it me or is there a different type of member on Vzi? (certainly don't seem as friendly as EB.com) and that's probably why I've never registered there..... the guys trolling - so I wouldn't bother replying

if it wasn`t for the link i wouldn`t have read page twenty :!: which was the start :shock: by the way crossovers( which i`ve owned at least two for personal use...) are rarer than 68`s so they rule!! :lol: :msn4: :p :mrgreen: in my humble opinion :mrgreen:
I'm into aircooled VW's and I'd stop for a broken down one no matter what it was - at the end of the day - does it matter? what these 'snobs' don't realise is if everyone had a 1 owner,low mileage 23 window samba the scene would be rubbish and boring - its the variety and individual touches given to the Volksies which means forums like VZi exsist - I agree,I think the OP is a wind up merchant!!!

earlybay is still my favorite - The gentleman's VW forum!
Not everyone on there is an idiot :msn4: . The guy who started the thread is only 18 and appears to think he's clever. He soon backed down once I told him ;) :lol:
Cant we change this forum to "early bays and associates" as I now don't have an early bay and I don't like the other forums Ive been too :D
Club 80-90 has some decent fellas there that arent particularly anal :lol: with such topics as how to paint your bus with a roller (seems to be quite a popular theme with the wedge boys)
there deffinately another mentality :lol: that said with the prices for good wedges rising that may change their scene before long
ah f**k em. too many people with too much time on their hands in my opinion. they would not say boo to a goose face-to-face

I would not touch an earlybay myself either, unless it was a crossover of course!!

seriously though, the VW "scene" surely should be about enjoying what you have and having a bit of fun. I dont like T25s much or anything newer, mainly because I am happy with what I have. However, I dont dis anyone else who has one as I can see their appeal.

I guess this is why earlybay is such as friendly place and VZI is loaded with pc-tigers who enjoy nothing better than a rant. It was funny when that fella from The Old Volks Home kicked off ont he there though
Ive just gone an had a look at this an How I laughed as i read Little Tarquins daddie has stumped 9K up for a ropey lhd split and hes on Vzi spouting off about Early bays , what a Dick . I esp loved the way in his readers ride bit theres a piccy of him Jammed into the drivers seat of his split bus etc etc . He's just a side show Bob look a like :lol: :roll:

KIDS ....... :roll:

I must say I have experienced splitty owners looking down their noses at me as early as 2000 when i first put the Gadget Bus on the road . TBH I dont have a prob with most of em But some of them are Elitist and they do think there a cut above .

This in No way has anything to do with winding a few of the Senior memebers of the SSVC up at Stanford hall when I was interviewed over the PA and called them all Elitists then Either LMFAO

Gadget :lol:

As a parting Note I love all bays all years But Id esp love to have a late westy slammed on Porsche cups as a daily and I have driven all the later buses to up till a new T5 (Cheers G) and I liked that too :D
I posted a thread on VZI the other week, i was moaning a little about people without a clue commenting on peoples vans for sale.....

One reply i got amused me greatly, i had commented that my van was probably one of the safest buys out there ( BTW mine is the 67 Devon juat sold via this site :D :( )

He in turn said 'Ive heard that before' and then checked out my ad......here's his reply

'Having looked at your ad, in your case it probably is right, but lets be honest it's not exactly a camper that most folk looking for a VW camper would be looking for is it, I can see why you are having problems selling it.'

Is it just me or does this guy need his chromosomes counting!! :lol:
its made me think this. for the last 5 years me and my dad have had a 61 canadian import 23window sat in our works waiting for the right time to get her road worthy. this week we will be bringing her home to start the work. it doesnt even phase me that its a splitty or a 23 window, ive stopped taking photos of splittys at shows unless there is just something about them, i fully in love with earlybays!! i even took a photo of one at dubfreeze as it was originally registered in bolton :lol: (WH*****) I still love all vws just more drawn towards the EB's. weird innit!! :lol: :roll: :mrgreen:
i started to read this thread and got very bored very quick but whilst out driving down to ikea with the wife a splitty overtook me and looked at me like i was prick because he had a split and i had a eb i got to say this did piss me of a bit and i did think to myself you cock its people like this that let the seen down!!!!!! and soon it will be like mods and rockers :lol:
Started to re-read it and just got bored :(
After going to a few shows and seeing all the splitties and there crew i dont think you can beat an Early bay line up 8) .
Biased? YES and with good reason :lol: :lol: :lol:

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