Greetings All!!!
As soon as I can figure out how to create my avatar, I'll do that. I am a member of Samba in the US, my name there on that Forum is "Jody '71."
I took the name "Rita," from my Bus's name, after Rita Hayworth, not the meter maid. Surely you all know what a Hollywood starlet she was. My Westy is patina red, like her hair color. My fellow Westy enthusiast has a '76 yellow Riviera he named "Betty," after Betty Grable. Together, our busses are the two most famous Hollywood pin-ups of the WWII. :wink:
I have been a vintage VW owner since the mid '70's. I have owned and driven to wit: '65 Beetle, '71 Squareback, now own and operate my '66 Beetle and '71 Westy. I am here to help. I am not much of a block mechanic, I leave that to my engine man, see NSRacing on Samba. I can and am able to offer suggestions on anything beyond a long block, inclusive of all electrical, fuel delivery, basic troubleshooting, trans probs, shifting woes, body problems, etc. Internal engine guts like bearings, end play, rods, etc and rebuilding heads I leave to NSR. Engine tin, axel shafts and stuff like that I can help with, brakes, Booster, vac lines and the rest is all within my relm.
Nice to see that there have been a few replies to me joining. I look forward to being a part of you all across the pond