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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2012
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Hello all Earlybay lovers!

I've owned my 1970 Panel bus since 1998 in the States. I have moved to the UK a couple of years ago and am now in the process of shipping my bus over here. Below is a picture of the Bussal on the trailer to warehouse. Hoping it will be loaded on a ship soon.
I'm looking for info on receiving my bus over here and for bodywork/shops around Sheffield.
I've been browsing on here for a couple of months now and am a bit addicted... Cant wait to get my hands on my bus again.
Is there a communal workshop / other eb owners with room/shop in the area?

Thank you all for having this site and making it so much fun reading all about your busses and works done.



Welcome...!!! :D I'm sure there will be some Ebr's in Sheffield that can help you out. Can't wait to see your build thread, you gotto luv a panel van...!!! Cool bus 8) 8)
welcome mate,not many busses come to UK with a ready made owner.lol.
you'll love it here.looking forward to more on you and the bus.
cheers - Rob
Hi andy , welcome to Earlybay , As a fellow panel van owner , i will follow your build thread with interest , what are your future plans for it , Look cool 8)
Thank you guys for your nice welcomings!

Hopefully my bus will be here by January or thereabouts, I'll need to find a good welder first, (Bizz got me contact info for one in Sheffield) to get rid of the rust and rebuild the engine.
Hoping there's not too much rust, there are a few holes under the windshield, so the bottom of the nose will need some attention as well, besides that I'm not aware of other major rust. The whole bus will probably need paint stripping due to slight surface rust through three layers of paint.

What are your thoughts on acid dipping, that should get rid of all rust, better than sanding...?

Howdy Grazy, your panel looks sweet!
I'll keep 'im stock as much as possible that's also with ride height, i love the ride the way its way up.

Watching the topics with interest.

All the best

Hey Jon, yeah the PVP thread is awesome, looked through the first 10 pages, can't believe there's so much interest in panels, where are the pages for the other busses?

What made you move from the States to the UK?
Nice van by the way 8) .

Hi Rich,

My partner is a Sheffield lass and can't stay in the States for more than 3 month unless we get married :shock:

So we travelled in and worked with Kiwis and Kangaroos for a year each before deciding to get wet in good ol' blightey :roll: :laugh:

Thanks, but I think my bus is more of a "good from far, but far from good" type looker :cry:

Seeing most of the busses on here gives me hope and motivation though!


Hi, lots of early bays in Sheffield. Take a look at http://www.svwoc.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; Sheffield VW owners club. Also there is a VW garage that specialises in old VW's! Good luck with the move.
Hi 70-CA-Panel

Welcome to Blighty :) not coming for the sunshine are we :D
If you need a ramp to offload your van, we have one at my fathers business
We are based in Kent near Thamesport and Chatham I know its in the south but might be cheaper, then driven or moved on a trailer from there. Good luck anyway,

Hi Nesquick,

Actually looking forward to the snow now :D
Thanks for the offer, but what are the ramps used for? I don't know the procedures of landing a bus at the port and getting it from the agents yet (will do some searching and maybe another thread). My bus doesn't run yet, will need to do some work on that...


The ramp us used to unload containers its wide enough to drive a bus up or down or can be towed off using forktrucks, my father owns a haulage n transport firm we have many vehicles maybe could get you a quote good deal ?? It all depends where your container is docking :?

About the snow bit you can keep that up in Sheffield thanks v much fecking hate snow as I work outside n its bloody orrible stuff !! It's nice when ur a kid :)
Yes i'm in sunny Sheffield! Pretty new to the VW so still meeting new people etc.

Was it you I spoke to one day this summer in eyam whilst I was out working on my van,? Either way nice one for shipping it over.


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