I did indeed Loxy - well remembered. I'll post some comparison pics I took at the time. I did it the day before hitting the Top Gear track! At the same time I fitted new shocks all round - standard ride height - I stuck with 'standard' shocks as I wanted to retain the comfy ride for now. I may try stiffer shocks in the future.
However, I can recommend the uprated anti-roll bar no end - IN MY OPINION!! It is a very subjective area, but one I could get no opinion about before trying, so I just went for it. The thing I really wanted to stop/decrease was the rolling dive into roundabouts - ie: the worst conditions - braking hard and turning sharply (see also 'entry into the Hammerhead' :mrgreen: ) and in this respect it has worked brilliantly. By keeping the dampers standard, the rest of the ride is not affected, but the cornering is much more level - more 'upright'. I have noticed that the front wheel can crash down into potholes a little bit more - the rough sides of roads/drains etc, I guess as the stiffer ARB resists etc, but a small price to pay IMO.
I'll sort out some pics right now....