How should disc brakes feel?

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Reaction score
My 71 has factory disc brakes and a servo. Servo has recently been replaced.
How should braking feel and how should it feel compared to drums. It might be my memory but it doesn't feel that much (or any) different to my 69 on drums. Maybe I'm just forgetting how that came to a stop.
Should the difference be night and day?
disks are better are dissipating heat, shed water better and are easier to maintain. they require a harder push to activate though - hence the servo. In converting from good and well adjusted drums to disks with a servo - well the benefits are only really felt under really hard braking, like coming down major hills.
I second that. Having converted my drums to csp brakes with the drilled discs I also didn't experience a night and day difference.
The only thing I noticed was having to apply a lot less force (since the 68 didn't have a servo), the braking being better in the wet
and also the brakes holding up a lot better when going downhill in the alps. Certainly not biting the steering wheel the first time braking after the conversion.
Going down a long winding hill, fully loaded...that's when you notice the difference.

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