Insulting under the van

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
I was just wondering if any one has upgraded the duct insulation under their van, i'm sure the quality of insulation must be better than it was 30 odd years ago, so what have you lot used?
Thats one way of grabbing peoples attention.... a little misdirection, your not a magician or slight of hand artist on the side are you.....

anyway think this is what you want" onclick=";return false;
I'm sure the councillor will come up with a witty response to this typo

I see we have a smiley of him here :anim_53:
uber cool said:
I'm sure the councillor will come up with a witty response to this typo

I see we have a smiley of him here :anim_53:

mullet and all :evilgrin0010:
...lowered vans are especially good as the victim cannot get out to :catfight: so quickly....

....I tend to go for the....down on one knee leaning on one hand head bent under can very quickly be turned into a sprint start if you hit the spot......
mjknight71 said:
...lowered vans are especially good as the victim cannot get out to :catfight: so quickly....

....I tend to go for the....down on one knee leaning on one hand head bent under can very quickly be turned into a sprint start if you hit the spot......

Message to self, always check what you have written before you post something!!

AxlFoley said:
Message to self, always check what you have written before you post something!!


.....NOOOOOO......this is what makes it spelling is attr....appa....bad and my typing is worse :sad0049:

keep it up :party0048:

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