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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
Fingers crossed 69 Westy SO69 shall be with me in a few hours.

It's been a hell of a long day.


Kempy has his van, at last!

The best things in life are always worth waiting for.....

can't wait to see the pics, congratulations!

:D :D :D
It's not feck'in here yet.

A long story that i'm not going to type now, but until this morning it wasn't an option.

But lets just say it hasn't been straight forward.
Should arrive by midnight after a very long and not trouble free journey from the South from the seller.

Not his fault, just a typical old piece of shit.

No just needed the points re-doing and battery not charging properly.
well sat here waiting but worried as tried to contact Juan.

When last spoke he was 45 mins away about an hour ago but the battery on his mobile is flat. Slightly concerned as the address was on his phone.

I want to go to bed, but more pissed off cos i missed Heros tonight on BBC2.
bayview said:
Well done Mike, patience is a virtue I guess. Very nice looking van. Will you be able to resist making it a show winner?

God no.

Not interested in going down that route. The kids played in it tonight for about half an hour and were really exited and it was nice for them to have fun without me watching every move.

Don't get me wrong it won't get wrecked, but i'm relaxed about the whole thing unlike the split.

If only i did this 5 years back i would be a lot richer.

PS did you sell the Deluxe in the end.
Kempy, that is a very nice van you have there... 8)

and am I right in thinking that it's not a dissimilar colour from your previous split?

I have no doubt that you and your family will enjoy using the EB immensly, without the 'split' worries of old....

we miss looking at our split but don't miss owning him, lovely though he was.

our early bay is enjoyed by the whole family, cherished but used and loved, just as they should be.

I'e had several conversations with splitty owners recently, who just like you and me (and no doubt others), swapped their very pretty and much loved splits for an EB with no regrets......

enjoy your EB, looking forward to hearing how you all get on with him (presuming it's a 'him', have the kids given him/her a name yet? :shock:)

Hey, cheers from sunny California, my family and I hope your family has as much fun as ours did in that bus. You are right that was one hell of a day, but at the end it worked out just fine, without patience we couldn't own or drive this old pieces of .......

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