We have a bunch of headlight switches, all are good, all have there wire reostat in place and in great condition, that's why I kept them, most you find have messed up or caught fire, £20 per switch posted, you tell me which one, a couple are beetle.
Then we have wiper switches, £20 per switch
Hazard..£20 per switch
And here we have a quite rare FAN switch, ambulance fans...for this I'll relieve you of £40 or best offer.
Then there's the sliding door cover strip retainer, these tend to rust, this one tended not to, dye to its length it will be difficult to post but not impossible, £15 you cover postage or collect.
Then we have wiper switches, £20 per switch
Hazard..£20 per switch
And here we have a quite rare FAN switch, ambulance fans...for this I'll relieve you of £40 or best offer.
Then there's the sliding door cover strip retainer, these tend to rust, this one tended not to, dye to its length it will be difficult to post but not impossible, £15 you cover postage or collect.