LOOK what I bought today......UPDATED

Early Bay Forum

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Nice ghia.

That car was brought out to one of our club meetings in Sacramento shortly after the narrowed beam was installed.

Sorry that it left California. Looks like it is in good hands though. :D
Once again guys, thanks for your comments.

Sacremento eh? Yeah I tracked the car back to Jerome in Cali and all of Detroit Jonny's work on the beam!

8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

75 miles, no water, no worries! :lol: IT absolutely ran as sweet as a sewing machine all the way home and DIDNT ground out or scrape once all the way to Colchester!

Sat at a steady 55 - 60mph all the way home though as it was the first distance drive since it arrived from California 2 years ago as its been more or less laid up! Points closed up a bit, Oil changed, few other little fettles and the car was ready for the journey home. Still on Cali-plates (oops) :msn4: I cruized on home with the biggest smile on my face since firing the Splitty up for the first time! :D

Some more pics..





(Dont worry this next one is NOT where I'm leaving the Ghia....I just thought it made for a hard pic!)



I have to put the rear over-rider back on but it is a little loose so needs some persuasion!

SO... now I have the car what are my plans? Well finish up the tiny niggles such as blow in and 'patina-back' the rear sill as both the rear pans and rear sills have been replaced within the last month. The engine will be in for a complete rebuild but to OG spec, leaving it 1200 as intended but may contemplate a dual carb set up... not decided yet. Sort out any other odd jobs and basically enjoy it and get it seen! I had all sorts of ideas for the car but to be fair since the minute I actually clapped eyes on it in the flesh as it were it strikes you as something that just needs leaving alone. Any changes to the suspension are all reversable and so the car is pretty much original with that 'Old VW story to tell' look that no amount of work or money can recreate!

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