My EB is now garaged

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Malvern, UK
I am smiling today because I've finally cleared my garage :mrgreen: It took building a new 8x6 shed to fit the bikes, Windsurfing equipment, surfboard and my ol' school BMX! (it's only taken me 5 months to sort it :oops: )
My beauty will now sleep in the garage every night instead of the car port. I must be a sad case cause I'm soooooooooooooo happy.

No more rain on my beautiful lady!
nice one si...... it still makes me smile when i see old frank in the garage, so i know where you are coming from dude :)
nice :) - know the feeling as I'm currently sat at my PC looking at all the junk in my garage that will need to be gone in about 6 weeks when the bus comes.....then it's a case of seeing if it will fit in :shock:

Managed to sort out all my camping stuff and avoid the wrath of the spiders :animal0017: - you must be pleased knowing it's all snugly tucked away now! 8)
Nice one Simon. :)

I'm on garage clearing duties today. Going to be a challenge but will be worth it to get the bus in there :D
All that work will be worthet though dude.. EB's are so rare an valuable now there is something erotic about getting them just how you want it then locking it up :lol: :mrgreen:


Not 'how I want it' - work in progress obviously, but I had to clear the garage to make it into a workshop 8)
I couldn't fit a mini in my garage let alone the bay :x
Would love to get the bay inside out of the weather but i prefer driving it all the time and i'm to lazy to keep opening the door :lol:
Its a wonderful feeling getting the bus garaged isnt it, plus im sure itll add years onto the life of your bus. I have to let my tires down and take half the poptop off to get mine in and out, its a nightmare, but well worth the extra effort!
My problem is the exact reverse - I got the van into the garage 3 years ago and it hasn't moved since :shock:

It only just fits in (height wise) and had to be loaded up with concrete and people (and air let of tyres) just to get it in - I've got a Red9 kit waiting to go on, and I'm losing the Devon poptop too - that way I should be able to drive in and out without having to rope in family members!!!

My bus is pretty low but it was still tight, I got it half way in (oh er misses) and the roof touched the up-and-over door. It took my Dad lifting the door up to actually get in. Not sure how I'll get it out now :lol: at least it's dry!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

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