Of mice and men....

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2011
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Herts is where the home is
So I know we live in the countryside and all this round here is fields.
And I know that the wet weather deluge we've been having means their burrows are flooded.
&*%$% mice are everywhere.
They've been in the bus (eaten front seats, fortunately only the underside)
And the golf (was vgc hood cover...)
And the garage seems to be inundated with them.
Even the daily has had a visit to harvest the pack of fruit chews in the centre console :evil:

Just put out more bait and traps this evening and one less in the daily hack already :|
I know there's not much can be done beyond just clear out and bait out. Just wanted to vent really.... :cry:
john the horse said:
steal a cat and chuck him in the garage.

jth :msn4:

That sir is a top idea! We have so many cats around us that I could ship you a few in a suitably vented cardboard box : D
radish said:
Chocolate buttons are the way to go, and don't be humane about it you need the back snappers to get rid.dirty litle fuckers!

Radish is right.
Don't waste your time with a cat, they just entertain themselves with them, and spit bits out all over the place. We have had cats for years, and always have to resort to chocolate-baited traps to catch/kill the mice that seem to like our shed.

Just make sure that your choice of chocolate is not your cat's favourite or there could be trouble. :lol:
work in the middle of leicester and we have them in our suspended ceiling got two of the little fuckers one after the other in the space of 2 hours the other day bread and choccy in the trap
Good to see I'm not the only one who has to battle the little sods

Next door's cat is a good mouser and usually keeps the place clear but it's like an epidemic at the mo.
Got traps set with asda's chocolate spread (run out of peanut butter :shock: ) and it seems to be luring them in.
Usually have traps in the garage anyway (learnt that the hard way) but does take the mick when have to leave traps in the footwell of the daily overnight :evil:

Good news is that the bus is now safely tucked out the way in a mate's unit so at least that's one less to worry about 8)
I had a rodent visitor until recently... In fact I even had to throw away a Christmas tree last year as said mouse had turned it into a cosy home!

Anyway, I was recently attempting to clean some pistons by dangling them in a tray of coca cola... Next morning I go into the garage to find the tin disturbed and pools of cola on the garage floor...

Haven't seen the mouse or any evidence of a visit since though! LOL!

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