give harry his dues, he`s been working like a trooper on the bus for the past few weeks 8)
and after seenig the prices some rotters go for at vanfest, he`s admitted he`s being abit of a perfectionist :shock: good when you want a spotless bus and one hopefully that wont need stripping and sanding every year .
bad when you want it up and running like now (patience isnt my good point

anyways a few more pics of whats been going on
pin head, playing with the dent puller, chuffed with how its come out
during the tidy up, getting shot of the rust, got new backingplates for the brakes to go on, and the tidy up will continue underneath
getting here, looking spangley 8)
purchased some replacement handles for the interior, not a bad match, slightly bigger, another job to the list :mrgreen:
hoping to make the concrete hard stand next week, and when its set can push ret on it and put him under a tent, make working on him easier